Definition of



The fight is a confrontation or an altercation.

Pugna is a word that comes from Latin and is used to name a confrontation , a dispute or an altercation between human beings, groups or entities. For example: “The vice president maintains an old fight with the highest national authority,” “The two sides in conflict clashed with fists in the middle of the square,” “There is an economic struggle between these sectors.”

The struggle, in general, refers to a fight . If two people are fighting, it means that they are at odds for some reason or that they have different objectives. The struggle occurs due to the intention of each one to impose their plans or their arguments on the other.

Take the case of an employer who fires an employee accusing him of not fulfilling his obligations, while the dismissed worker claims that he was fired for joining a union. Both parties maintain a dispute that could even be decided in court .

The struggle as competition

In other contexts, the struggle is closer to a competition than a controversy. Two soccer teams that face each other in the quarterfinals of a tournament are fighting to get a place in the semifinals. A group of publishers, for their part, may engage in a fight to hire a famous writer, offering them different incentives and benefits.

When elections take place within the framework of a democratic regime, it can be said that the candidates are in conflict. This should not imply that they are enemies of each other, but rather that their government proposals and programs are those that will strive to win the trust of the voters.


Those who are in conflict have opposite positions.

Synonyms and similar terms

Given all these examples, it is time to make a list of the most common synonyms, which are very useful to replace the main word in certain contexts and thus avoid falling into redundancy: opposition, confrontation, battle, rivalry , hostility, challenge, stubbornness, fight, fight and combat. Some of the antonyms that follow logically from this meaning are the following: agreement and concord.

As can be seen, the struggle is not always a fight that takes place with a material or physical manifestation, but rather it can be an intellectual disagreement or a lack of compatibility between the ideas of two or more people. This tells us that this confrontation is not obvious to everyone, as is the case with a bloody battle between two sides or a discussion between two representatives of different political parties in a chamber of deputies, for example.

However, there is an element that generates even greater complexity: violence. In general, this is associated with many of the forms that fighting can take, but the nuance that we must take into account in order to appreciate the great scope of fighting as a concept is that violence is not necessarily physical or, and this It is the most important point, towards another individual but it can be directed towards oneself.

The struggle between good and evil

In this sense, we can talk about the eternal struggle between good and evil , between reason and madness, which many artists have represented visually or literary through ideas such as "light and shadow" or other metaphors. . It is the crisis necessary for the psychic and emotional development of every living being, a kind of chaos that keeps us in balance, pushing us from one extreme to the other.

Therefore, there is a struggle in all of us that is less evident than any other confrontation, physical or intellectual, that we can see between two or more people, and it is a natural battle that allows us to question our own essence to change what we can improve. and reinforce our convictions.