Definition of



To advocate implies to defend or promote something.

Advocating is a concept that is linked to the protection or defense that is developed of something. If we study the etymology of the term, we will reach the Latin language and the word propugnare .

Whoever advocates something, therefore, protects, adopts or spreads it . Advocating implies an action that seeks to care for and/or promote what one believes in. For example: “We must advocate for quality education for our children,” “I do not believe that any good person intends to advocate for an economic system that leaves millions of compatriots marginalized,” “I am going to advocate for a review of corporate objectives.” .

Concept of advocating

The idea of ​​advocating, in short, can be used in different ways, always close to the protection or dissemination of something. Advocacy, in this sense, can be carried out in very diverse contexts, although other terms are used to describe it.

Let's take a specific case. A candidate for the presidency of a country announces that, if he comes to power, he will be in charge of promoting industrialization since he considers that it is a necessary measure to achieve the growth of the economy, the improvement of social conditions and the defense of independence. By expressing your intention to advocate for such a process, you will be stating that you will develop policies to promote and defend industrialization (promoting import substitution, granting state credit to industries, increasing customs rates for foreign products, etc.).

Another case could be that of a non-governmental organization ( NGO ) that was founded with the objective of promoting environmental protection , developing campaigns and initiatives to care for nature. For this dissemination to be successful, there must be a positive response from citizens. In other words, espousing a series of teachings and constructive ideas is not enough without the actions of those who receive them, since they are expected to put them into practice to complete the cycle.


The action of advocacy is common in politics.

The defense of rights

One of the most common uses of the verb advocate is in the field of laws, when talking about advocating justice . Although this topic is usually on everyone's lips, few truly do something to defend their rights and those of others. The first step towards a just society is to know the rights of all living beings in our nation (both children, adults and animals), in order to be able to place ourselves on firm ground on which to be able to analyze events. that surround us and determine if they violate them to any extent.

But in addition to knowing the rights of human beings and animals, it is necessary to recognize unjust acts and act against them to prevent them from spreading and triumph over compassion and respect. This is, perhaps, the step that only a few take, and this causes greater damage in the world than the injustice itself. When we are not able to confront those who deprive a third party of their freedom , it is as if we participated in the crime.

Of course, advocating for justice is a phrase much easier to pronounce than to fulfill, especially in certain countries and for certain minority groups, victims of discrimination and persecution. Standing up against injustice and expressing disagreement does not always bring results typical of a Hollywood movie, with a happy ending in which the heroism of those who dare to confront power is exalted; Retaliation against the brave can be fatal, both for them and their loved ones, and it is through fear that they manage to silence them.