Definition of


Propose engagement rings

The verb propose is associated with the moment in which a person asks his or her partner to marry him.

Originating from the Latin word proponĕre , propose is a verb that refers to making a proposal . Proposals, meanwhile, are ideas or projects that are expressed to be put into someone's consideration .

Some examples

For example: “Tonight I'm going to propose to my girlfriend,” “I don't think it's smart to propose a new agreement,” “I want to propose a business deal to you, do you have a minute to talk to me?” .

Let's analyze the examples we mentioned above. Whoever “proposes marriage” to his partner, asks him to marry: that is, he proposes to formalize the sentimental union through a legal procedure or the development of a ritual.

Those who believe it is inconvenient to “propose a new agreement” , for their part, convey their opinion on a possible future agreement, considering that it is not positive or advantageous. On the other hand, whoever wants to “propose a business” plans to present a commercial, productive or financial opportunity to their interlocutor.

Express an intention

When an individual is in charge of proposing something, he or she expresses an intention or a desire . The purpose is to achieve a certain response or reaction from another person or a group of subjects.

It is important to keep in mind that proposing is not equivalent to imposing . When proposing, a suggestion or invitation is made that the other can reject. If a young man proposes to a girl to take a trip together, the girl can say “no” without this causing problems. The case would be different if the man kidnapped the woman and took her away by force .

This verb is used daily in almost all areas, as long as there is a sufficient degree of freedom for all its members. We can propose our ideas to our friends, parents, siblings and co-workers, among other members of our social circle , both to enhance the plans we have in common and to help them obtain better results in theirs.

And at this point the nuances of intention come into play, which may indicate a certain personal interest or total altruism . This last group would include the proposal of going for a walk and chatting with a friend who has just lost a loved one: the objective would be to help him clear his head, give him a space to vent, instead of allowing him to stay locked up in his house crying. without consolation. A more common proposal, such as an invitation to the movies, on the other hand, usually seeks the enjoyment of all parties.

Propose trip

We can suggest outings, trips and other activities to our friends to do together

Recommend a candidate

In the work or academic field, the idea of ​​proposing refers to recommending someone to assume a position, access an honor or obtain a position : “The senior council is going to propose the experienced teacher as the new director of the area.”

Just as in the other uses of this verb, when a person proposes another for a position or the receipt of a certain honor, he does not impose his opinion but rather it must be evaluated by the corresponding body so that a decision is finally made. Outside the business environment, there are different cases in which this meaning can be observed; A clear example is some literary awards , whose candidates must be proposed by authorities in the field before the final selection.

Note that this does not mean that there is no merit to access the job or the award; On the contrary, except in cases of accommodation due to connections, for someone to be proposed by another professional they must have a solid and respectable track record , which "speaks for itself." Although there is no specific exam, the career itself up to the moment of the recommendation is reliable proof of your skills and commitment.