Definition of



Promote can be equivalent to favoring or encouraging: "Rain can promote the growth of crops."

The etymology of propitiate refers us to the Latin language, more precisely to the word propitiare . It is a verb that refers to facilitating an action or an event , making something favorable (that is, advantageous or favorable).

The right moment to carry out a certain action or for a particular event to take place is the most appropriate, the most opportune, the one that meets the ideal conditions for achieving said objectives. This can be actively sought or occur spontaneously.

For example: “Governments have the obligation to foster a favorable climate for business and investment,” “Don't worry: I will provide the necessary resources for the transfer to be carried out,” “The suspect refused to provide information to the researchers.”

Promote how to create a favorable context

The propitiator, in short, can carry out different actions. The notion of enabling can be linked to the attempt to create a positive context , environment or condition for the development of something. If we return to the first example among those mentioned above, the government that has to “promote business and investments” must establish policies that promote economic activity, acting on taxes, laws, etc.

When the government does not foster this favorable climate for the growth of its people, a crisis begins that leads to a long list of negative events for the country. One of the most common decisions in these cases is to travel abroad in search of new opportunities , to a land in which the government does value the work of citizens and opens the doors to progress and development on a personal and professional level.

The growth of a society can only be guaranteed when the government assumes the responsibility of providing its people with all the necessary tools to study, take care of their health and train at a professional level, so that they discover their capabilities and design their own future, based in a balance between effort and rewards. Unfortunately, the reality is often very different, especially in third world countries.


"To cause a blow" means to deliver it.

give something

To propitiate is also to deliver or give something , whether symbolic or physical. If a boxer comments “I am going to cause the defeat of any opponent” , he will be stating that he will defeat his rivals. “Proitiate” , in this specific case, is equivalent to “overcome” or “win” .

Continuing with the example of the boxer, it is worth mentioning that the verb propitiate can also be used as a synonym for "deliver", which is defined as delivering a blow from an object such as a weapon or a projectile against a thing or living being . Therefore, it is possible to say that "the boxer punched his opponent with such precision and power that he inevitably collapsed to the astonishment of the agitated public."

Promote as encourage or favor

Another use of the verb is linked to foster . A doctor proposes: “We must encourage physical activity in our children to combat childhood obesity.” What this health professional does is suggest that parents encourage their children to play sports to avoid becoming overweight.

It should be noted that what is propitiatory can be so without specific intention or will . Rain, in this sense, can promote the growth of crops. In this case, the term shares nuances in its meaning with that of "trigger", since it speaks of one or more events that take place as a result of another . When an unpredictable event that is not caused by humans causes a series of changes in the environment, the results are usually beneficial, although it is also possible to use the verb with a negative connotation.