Definition of



An advertisement can be an advertisement that aims to seduce potential buyers or users of a product or service.

Propaganda is the action and effect of making something known . The information transmitted through advertising aims to seduce potential buyers of a product or contractors of a service , although it may also be intended to gain followers for a cause or campaign.

For example: "The propaganda for the new car was a success: all the people talk about it on the street" , "I did not understand the telephone company's propaganda" , "The Army's propaganda to attract recruits did not have the expected impact" , «The magazine has more pages of propaganda than content» .

Etymological origin of the term propaganda

You have to go to Latin to find the etymological origin of the concept. Specifically, we can determine that it emanates from the Latin word propaganda and this from the verb propagare , which was made up of the following elements:

  • The prefix pro- , which can be translated as "forward" .
  • The noun pagus , which is equivalent to "forest or village" .
  • The suffix -are , which is used as a verbal ending.


The notion of propaganda is often used as a synonym for advertising . In this sense, propaganda can be transmitted on television, radio, print media, the Internet or even through posters on public roads.

All companies that want to publicize a product or service must develop advertisements to reach consumers.


Political propaganda seeks to influence the behavior and values ​​of the population.

political propaganda

Another use of the concept is associated with messages that are disseminated from a certain sector with the intention of exerting an influence on the values ​​or behavior of citizens . Propaganda involves a search for persuasion with political or ideological intent.

From there arises the concept of political propaganda which, as its name indicates, is that which is carried out with the aim of getting the population to demonstrate in favor of a specific political party and the proposals and ideas that it disseminates. Hence, the set of actions that aim to obtain the support of the people is basically carried out during what is known as the electoral campaign ; that is, before the elections.

Analyzing the history of the world, we find cases of propaganda that were very significant, such as the case of the so-called Nazi propaganda . This was carried out by the Nazi party during the period from Adolf Hitler 's rise to power until the outbreak of World War II .

An example of this type of propaganda usually takes place during wars or armed conflicts . The invader tends to carry out propaganda actions in the invaded territory with the aim of getting the population to put aside resistance, expressing that they are coming with the aim of liberating the people, overthrowing tyrants, etc.


Propaganda develops into mass communication.

The rhetoric

Propaganda appeals to rhetoric in the narrative of its speech to try to influence the thinking and behavior of the recipient. It is a communication tool that, sometimes, even seeks manipulation.

The use of subliminal messages is one of the common strategies in propaganda. You can also rely on other resources, which depend on the scope of application and the objective: propaganda to reinforce the corporate image of a company is not the same as propaganda that is developed within the framework of a psychological war.

If we focus on politics, it is common for electoral campaigns to resort to a narrative of fear . Through social networks (such as Facebook , Twitter and Instagram ), television advertisements and other actions in the media, the aim is to show all the bad things that would happen if the winner of the elections is the opposition candidate with whom they are polarized. These smear campaigns even use fake news to increase impact and achieve virality.

Political propaganda can foment unrest, exacerbating fanaticism . In these cases we work with stereotypes and demagoguery and sensationalism usually appear. On the other hand, in an advertising spot or an advertising graphic these components are not present, but rather a positioning of the brand image or the promotion of a product is sought within the framework of a marketing strategy.

Propaganda, an electropop band

In addition to all the above, we would have to say that Propaganda is also the name of an electrop band originally from Germany , which enjoyed great success in the 1980s .

A total of four albums have been released by this group, which returned to the stage in 2005 after a 15-year hiatus and is known for songs such as "Doctor Mabuse" , "Heaven Give Me Words" and "Wound in my heart". » .