Definition of



In meteorology, a forecast is based on the analysis of atmospheric conditions.

Prognosis is a term that comes from the Latin prognosticum , although its most remote origin is found in the Greek language. The concept refers to the action and effect of forecasting (knowing the future through certain indications).

For example: "The weather forecast anticipates rain for the night" , "My prediction is that Brazil will win by three to zero" , "Quentin Tarantino's film met the forecasts and won the statuette" .

The weather forecast

The notion of forecast is common in meteorology . These are the forecasts that, according to the study of atmospheric conditions, indicate what will happen to the climate in the coming days.

In this way, the forecast can predict sunny or rainy days, anticipate hail, warn of strong winds, etc. Although it uses various devices and satellites and is based on scientific information, the weather forecast is not infallible, since conditions can change without prior indications.

The concept in medicine

Medical prognosis is a health professional's judgment about changes that may occur in the course of an illness . The prognosis anticipates its possible duration according to the symptoms that appear in the patient. A reserved prognosis is known as one that is uncertain or that presupposes a negative outcome: “The victim has a reserved prognosis after the emergency operation.”

The qualification of a disease is known as clinical judgment , and is obtained by evaluating all the signs and symptoms that a patient presents, in addition to the information that emerges from complementary tests, such as physical examination and clinical analyses, with the aim of estimating a diagnosis, the patient's condition and the most effective treatment for each specific case. Medical prognosis is one of the types of clinical judgment, and attempts to anticipate the events that could take place if the detected disease progresses.

Prognostic factors are known as the series of variables that are obtained from clinical studies, which are carried out based on a particular disease with the aim of analyzing a patient's symptoms, as well as the diagnostic tests that are performed. have done to him. These factors give rise to the estimation of the most appropriate treatment.


A medical prognosis is an assessment made by a medical professional about the possible evolution of a disease.

Expression of medical prognosis

The medical prognosis can be expressed in two ways:

* qualitative , that is, through a rating such as good , intermediate or bad , or mild , moderate or serious . The reserved prognosis also falls into this group, which, given its uncertain and hidden nature, usually suggests that the patient's state of health is very serious;

* quantitative , for which survival or mortality rates and percentage values ​​are usually used.

Giving a patient a hopeless prognosis is not an easy task, although it is the right of any person to know their state of health and their chances of being cured or surviving, depending on the case. Although cinema and television usually take advantage of this type of situation to generate humorous moments, it is a crucial point in the relationship between a doctor and his patients , since the way in which the latter approach their treatments depends on it. .

Telling a person that they have less than a 5% chance of surviving, or that they will not stay alive for more than a few months is really difficult, but history has shown on several occasions that willpower can surprise even health experts, which is why it is very important to communicate this type of information , trying not to lead the patient directly to his destruction.

a forecast

A forecast can also be a forecast or a hunch about an event.

Before a soccer match, experts can predict what the result will be, according to the background of each team and the personal situation of each player, trying to anticipate their influence on the match.