Definition of



The idea of ​​prone can be associated with a tendency or predisposition. For example: "Marta is prone to falling asleep in class."

The first thing we are going to do is determine the etymological origin of the term prone that concerns us now. We can say that it emanates from Latin, and more precisely from the word prolivis , which is the result of the sum of two components: the prefix pro- , which can be translated as “in front”, and the noun clivis , which is synonymous with “hill”.

Proclined is a term used to name something that is inclined, either forward or downward . The term is also used to refer to someone who is prone to something . Synonyms for prone are words such as prone or inclined.

For example: “Children who are not fed correctly are prone to falling asleep in class” , “This representative is prone to controversial statements” , “They say that women are more likely than men to get angry due to problems arising from coexistence” .

The prone, associated with a predisposition or tendency

The prone, therefore, is linked to a certain tendency or a greater predisposition . If it is said that a man is prone to accidents, we are referring to the fact that said subject usually suffers accidents with a higher frequency than the average of other people.

In a similar sense, a tennis player who is prone to going up to the net to define points will repeat this action several times in the same match, while a tennis player with another type of game will play from the back of the court.

A sociopolitical movement that is prone to violence is one whose public manifestations usually include violent acts. A group whose marches usually end with violence, confrontations with the police and injuries, therefore, is prone to violence.


When someone is prone to something, they tend to repeat it.

The concept in medicine

Within the field of medicine and health, it is very common to use the term prone. And it is determined that some people, due to their age or sex as well as certain characteristics of their body, are more likely than others to suffer from a certain disease.

A good example of this is that it is established that citizens over sixty years of age, with certain obesity and even habits that are harmful to health, such as smoking, are more likely than others to suffer from diabetes.

Other uses of the notion of prone

Likewise, some of the most picturesque studies have emerged that are also based on the word prone to make a result clear. In this way, for example, relatively recently a study came to the fore that said that Wednesday was the most likely day of the week to be unfaithful to one's partner.

On the other hand, it has also been revealed that children and adolescents are much more likely to have addictions than anyone else. And that is due to their needs to discover the world around them.

The notion of inclination can be associated, on the other hand, with support or taking sides . A city is prone to the independence of a certain community when, due to its history or its rulers, it tends to support the independence movement.