Definition of



Procrastination involves postponing the fulfillment of obligations.

Procrastination is about the tendency and result of procrastinating , that is, of delaying, delaying or delaying something .

Procrastination, therefore, consists of postponing the fulfillment of an obligation or the development of an action. When this attitude becomes habitual, procrastination becomes a behavioral disorder that may require psychological attention.

Procrastination in children and adults

People can procrastinate their tasks in different areas. In the case of a child, procrastination can appear when he decides to stay in front of the computer or television instead of completing the schoolwork that is due, to name one possibility. The child does not assume responsibility, but rather postpones it and replaces the performance of homework with another activity.

Adults can develop procrastination when they delay a visit to the doctor or when they never get around to tidying up the house. The key to procrastination is replacing an activity that requires attention with another that is more pleasurable . The chosen activity is less important, although it is more pleasant. In this way, what is important is postponed and something different is privileged.


Procrastination leads a person to choose to rest or have fun before taking on their responsibilities.

How to overcome it

Specialists recommend setting short-term goals , establishing rewards, and completing the most difficult tasks first to end procrastination. The person must find motivation in their activities and, in turn, must accept the responsibilities that they have.

Let's look at some infallible tips to overcome procrastination:

* establish a group of activities that you do not allow yourself to leave for later, taking as a criterion the time it takes you to carry them out. For example, determining that those actions that last 2 minutes or less cannot be procrastinated;

* dare to face those obligations that make you afraid step by step, in small sessions . Sometimes we do not dare to start a task because we believe we are incapable of completing it, but when we force ourselves to dedicate our effort to it, even if it is only for a few minutes, it is likely that that barrier will weaken;

* Turning any repetitive or boring task into a routine always helps to overcome it more easily. When we get used to facing the same challenges every day, those aspects that previously threatened us lose strength in the face of the skill that we inevitably develop;

* take the time to think about those things that we have been putting off for a long time, to find the causes of our procrastination . We do not always leave obligations for later on a conscious level, and that is why it is important to review our organization frequently and make the relevant decisions to improve it;

* recording in a table the activities we do daily and the time each one takes may seem like a somewhat exaggerated measure, but it usually works to make us more responsible and establish a stronger bond with our obligations;

* One of the best tips to combat procrastination (among many other problems) is to learn to say "no" . It is likely that behind the inability to complete our tasks there are usually commitments with other people that do not even make us feel comfortable;

* Although procrastination is associated with time, the secret to avoiding it is to make good use of our energy. Trying to work or study when we are tired or emotionally blocked is to considerably increase the chances of failure;

* Depending on each person's personality, sharing with our circles information about the projects that we are afraid of putting off can help us complete them, given the pressure that comes with the expectations of others .