Definition of



A problem is a set of conflicts or challenges in a given area.

The Greek word problēmatikós came to Late Latin as problematĭcus , which in turn arrived in our language as problematic . As an adjective, the term refers to that which generates problems or brings about inconveniences . For example: “The relationship I had with Mirta was quite problematic from the beginning” , “Jacinto is a problematic young man, he is always fighting with his colleagues” , “The truth is that I had a problematic experience with this company” .

As a noun , meanwhile, the idea of ​​problematic refers to the set of complications that form part of a certain issue . The concept allows us to encompass the challenges, conflicts and difficulties of something .

Social problems

Social problems , in this context, include issues that affect a society and require a solution to improve the quality of life of its members. These are situations that threaten the development and well-being of a community or part of it .

Gender violence is an example of a social problem. This type of violence affects women and has multiple consequences: the most serious is death due to the actions of men. As this is a public issue, the solution to social problems is the responsibility of the State . Given that the motives that lead each abuser and the context from which each victim of gender violence comes from may be different, solving this problem is extremely difficult.

Another problem that forms part of social issues is social stratification , a division of society into groups based on their employment status, income, purchasing power and social status, among other criteria. As with any other relatively arbitrary interpretation of reality that affects the possibilities of living beings, there are those who benefit and those who suffer all kinds of negative consequences, including contempt and discrimination, simply for having been born in one environment or another.

When talking about social problems, we cannot fail to mention public health , a topic whose importance can vary unpredictably when problems such as an epidemic, a war or a natural disaster arise. A country where public health is not organized in a fair and accessible way prevents its inhabitants from enjoying a good quality of life. This has repercussions on all aspects, from study to work, and works against the development of the country as a whole. In the case of an infectious disease , for example, without adequate measures the spread can be too fast and affect a large part of the population.

Gender-based violence

Gender violence is one of the most widespread social problems.

Environmental damage

The idea of ​​environmental problems , on the other hand, is specifically associated with problems that threaten the environment .

Deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and ocean pollution are some of the most serious environmental problems due to their effects and large-scale impact. It is hard to believe that all of this is a product of our way of relating to the planet, since of all the known species we are the only ones that can cause damage to the environment.

The excessive consumption of resources is one of the most relevant environmental problems of recent years, since if it is not resolved in the short term we will be affected at different levels. Resources are not infinite, but although this statement is so easy to understand we have not heard it in the media until its continuity began to be endangered .