Definition of



Probity is associated with honesty.

The etymology of probity refers us to the Latin language, more precisely to the term probitas . Probity is honesty and rectitude : an honest person, therefore, is one who has probity.

It can be said that probity is linked to honesty and integrity in actions . Whoever acts with probity does not commit any abuse, does not lie or incurs a crime . The opposite of probity is corruption, which implies a deviation from moral norms and laws.

Honesty as a virtue

Honesty, in short, is a virtue . In a utopian society, all people would be honest (that is, they would act with probity). In this way there would be no room for corruption, abuse of power, bribery, etc.

Reality, of course, shows that probity is not a virtue present in all human beings . In certain professions, the lack of probity is even more serious and harmful, since the professional's actions cause harm to a large number of people.

Its importance in public service

If a judge lacks probity, he cannot administer justice . Their rulings will not be impartial, as they may be determined by bribes. In this way, a judge who is not honest can sentence an innocent person to prison or set a murderer free.

All public officials , in fact, must behave with probity. The governor of a province that does not have probity can keep public funds, accept bribes to benefit a company or prevent his political opponents from using their rights .

Termination of employment

Dismissal for lack of probity may be due to an ethical breach.

Dismissal for lack of probity

Dismissal is the most common cause for the termination of an employment contract . In fact, the labor legislation of more than one country establishes that this is the case until proven otherwise. That said, there are multiple reasons why an employer may choose to terminate an employee; One of them, present in many parts of the world although under different names, is called lack of probity or honesty .

Taking as a reference the Labor Code of Panama, for example, the cause of lack of probity or honesty is defined as the commission of serious lack of honesty or probity, or a crime against property by a worker, in a manner that directly harms your employer.

Causes of this type of termination of employment

It is possible to distinguish this cause from the others based on a series of well-developed characteristics, among which we find the following four:

* The worker must incur in the omission of an ethical duty , that is, he must fail to fulfill a commitment with his employer that falls within the group of actions considered correct and typical of a good professional in the field in which he works. Furthermore, it is important to note that their action can occur both by omission and by commission, that is, it does not necessarily speak of a direct action, but also of negligence due to a lack of probity;

* The breach must take place while the employee is performing his or her duties , regardless of his or her location at the time of the action. While there may be exceptions in very serious cases, a worker's conduct in their personal life should not affect their employment status;

* The person who commits a lack of probity must be aware of his mistake , which speaks of a malicious act or, in other words, the intention to do evil. One of the most common examples is the presentation of a false medical certificate in order to be absent from work , something that can lead to criminal sanctions for the doctor and the employee;

* The severity of the offense must be such that it is impossible to continue the employment relationship. It is difficult for an employer to trust an employee who has acted dishonestly and therefore dismissal seems the most logical measure.