Definition of



Proactivity is linked to individual drive and the ability to take the initiative.

In the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy the concept of proactivity does not appear, possibly because it is a modern term that does not yet enjoy complete acceptance among students of our language. In any case, it is a concept that we have all probably heard at some point and that is becoming increasingly important in our societies, which is why it is necessary to define it.

Proactivity refers to an attitude present in some people, who do not allow difficult situations to overcome them; who take the initiative over their own lives and work based on what they believe can help them be better . But proactivity is not limited to making decisions or starting a project: it also implies taking responsibility for the fact that something must be done so that the objectives are achieved and looking for how, where and why.

Proactive people have specially selected values, which guide their actions; Even though many things may happen around them, they are capable of always putting their ideals first and fighting with positive energy, thus expanding their circle of influence.

Frankl and proactivity

The Viennese psychiatrist and neurologist Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) was the one who coined the concept of proactivity . Frankl was a prisoner of the Nazi regime and was in a concentration camp. In his book “Man in Search of Meaning” , the author explained that he was able to survive in this context thanks to the fact that he managed to provide a logos ( meaning ) to his existence. He assured that the best way to define the concept is as the freedom to choose our attitude towards the different situations that we must face in our lives.

Over the years, the concepts developed by Frankl , including proactivity , became popular through numerous self-help books. Steven Covey, for example, in his work "The Seven Habits", refers to the concept to express that human capacity to subordinate impulses to their scale of values, in order to prevent the desire to cry in the midst of a catastrophe. be the one that governs the situation, instead of the activity and work to get ahead.

Simply put, proactivity is the attitude of an individual when he decides to control his behavior in an active way. In this way, the person begins to develop their creativity in pursuit of improving their living conditions.

Work scope

Proactivity is very important in the workplace.

Opposite terms

The opposite term to proactivity is reactivity , which consists of adopting a passive attitude and being at the mercy of circumstances. While proactive people select their values ​​and focus on situations on which they can act, reactive individuals are driven by circumstances and overcome by problems over which they have no control.

Reactive people are powerfully affected by circumstances and the environment greatly influences them.

These people focus their concern on what others do, on the problems that occur around them and, above all, they focus their attention on events that have no solution. They do not have the ability to act, they let themselves be carried away by events.

Proactivity is often confused with hyperactivity , however they are terms that are not linked in any way. Hyperactive people act guided by their impulses, without paying attention to the consequences, relying almost exclusively on their instantaneous stimuli ; On the other hand, proactive people do not act in a hurry or in a disorganized manner, they measure what they will do and what the possible consequences of it are, they are not aggressive or arrogant, they are convinced of what they need and act accordingly.

Proactivity in employment

Finally, it should be noted that for companies hiring proactive employees can be a fundamental goal; some companies even put the quality of proactivity in their potential employees above experience. In the field of employment, a proactive person is one who anticipates problems, prevents them, or is prepared to face them efficiently.

Furthermore, he is able to withstand the pressures of the sector and always focuses his actions on making things better; He is not afraid of changes, in fact, he promotes them; and, mainly, he does not let himself be defeated by failures , but rather learns from his mistakes.