Definition of



The idea of ​​deprivation can be associated with a lack.

Privation is a concept that has its etymological origin in privatio , from the Latin language. It is the result of subtracting, making impossible or dispossessing . A deprivation, therefore, is suffered when one lacks something that one could or should have.

For example: “When I was a child, I suffered many material deprivations,” “The young man reports that he suffered an illegitimate deprivation of liberty for more than twenty hours,” “I would like the rulers to see the deprivations we have in this neighborhood.”

What is deprivation

Deprivation can be associated with a lack of resources or basic services . Those who suffer deprivation, in this sense, are those citizens who do not have money to buy food, who lack access to education , who cannot use health services or who live in an area without drinking water, to name a few possibilities.

Deprivations, in another sense, can be punishments that are applied to those responsible for certain crimes . When a person is imprisoned, it can be said that they have been deprived of their freedom. The deprivation, in this case, is legal. On the other hand, if an individual is kidnapped, the deprivation of liberty is illegal.

Obstruction of the senses

Sensory deprivation , on the other hand, is known as the partial or total, temporary or permanent obstruction of any of the senses. This means that a person subjected to sensory deprivation will not be able to receive the stimuli that, in a normal situation, they would capture from their senses. An individual who is placed with a hood so that he cannot see and earmuffs so that he cannot hear will be subjected to sensory deprivation.

In addition to the methods just described, which may well be part of a practical joke between friends, sensory deprivation can be applied in much more violent ways when its intention is torture or the extraction of confidential information. Among the elements that surpass bandages and earmuffs in complexity are those designed to block taste, touch, smell, temperature perception (called thermoreception or thermoception ) and gravity.

Sensory deprivation can have very different objectives: from psychological experimentation and alternative medicine treatments to punishment measures and torture of prisoners or suspects of international terrorism . It is important to note that although its application for short periods of time can produce relaxation, when prolonged, its consequences can be as serious as hallucinations, depression, extreme anxiety, antisocial personality disorder (ASD) and extravagant thoughts. .


Sleep deprivation implies a reduction in the number of hours of rest.

sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation is a decrease in the usual hours of rest, which can arise as a consequence of a sleep disorder (also called sleep disorder or illness, it is a condition that prevents the normal development of the sleep-wake cycle), stress or it could be a deliberate decision or a method of torture to carry out an interrogation or some form of brainwashing.

Depending on the frequency and intensity with which sleep deprivation occurs, some of the following physiological effects may appear: muscle pain; difficulty focusing your eyes; depression; hyperactivity; decrease in concentration and brain activity; memory problems; slowness and confusion; increased cholesterol; difficulty speaking clearly.

There are numerous studies on the effects of sleep deprivation on various aspects of life, and everything indicates that the importance of daily rest should not be underestimated . Both the development of the brain and the growth of our body can only take place adequately if we sleep the recommended minimum according to our age.