Definition of


road safety

In Spain, the traffic sign that displays a yellow diamond indicates that it is a road with priority at intersections.

From the Latin prior ( "previous" ), priority refers to the priority of something with respect to something else , whether in time or order . He or she that has priority comes first in comparison to other people or things.

For example: a soccer player is wanted by Barcelona and Real Madrid . Both clubs want to hire him and are preparing their offers. The player, meanwhile, declares: "Barcelona has the priority." This means that the athlete will give preference to the Catalan club's proposal, although without completely ruling out Madrid .

Priority and road safety

Within the field of traffic and road safety, we have to highlight that in Spain there is a traffic sign called priority carriageway . It consists of a type of white rhombus inside which another yellow one appears. Drivers who encounter it should know that it is indicating that their roadway has priority at intersections with respect to other roads.

In the same way, there is also the end of priority signal. It is identical to the previous one except that it is crossed by a diagonal black stripe. This makes it clear that the priority that one road had over the rest is about to end.

All this without forgetting that there are also more traffic signs that go along the same line. Thus, there are, for example, those with priority in the opposite direction or those with priority in the opposite direction . All of them form the group known as priority-of-way signs.


Economics often prioritizes money over ecology.

Result of a comparison

Priorities are therefore established from a comparison . A priority is something important compared to other things and, in this way, it will receive more resources or be attended to more quickly: "Public health will be the priority of this government" , "If you still do not have a home and you have already bought a latest model car "I think your priorities have changed," "The company has many problems, but the priority is to pay the owed salaries."

Time and money are the two most common factors that lead to setting priorities. If a person has many pending tasks, it is common for them to establish a list of priorities to first attend to what can no longer wait (solving an electrical problem in a home takes priority over redecorating). As for money, since it is usually a scarce resource, the priority list allows you to satisfy the most urgent or basic needs first (paying rent will take priority over purchasing a video game).

Internet priority levels

In addition to all this, we must highlight the fact that within what would be the Internet sphere there is talk of what is known as priority levels. This term refers to the set of verification points that determine the accessibility guidelines for content on the web.

There are basically three levels of priority. With them, all the points that must be complied with and those that should be satisfied are made clear.