Definition of

Correspondence principle

Mountainous landscape reflected in a lake

"As above, so below."

In the context of Hermeticism and esoteric philosophy, the principle of correspondence is one of the seven attributed to Hermes Trismegistus and is found in the Kybalion (or Kybalion ). It is expressed with the famous phrase: "as above, so below ."

This principle suggests that there is a correspondence , universal analogy or universal interconnection between the different levels of reality, from the microcosm (the small, the individual) to the macrocosm (the large, the universe). The central idea is that the patterns, structures and laws that apply at one level of existence are reflected in others, so that by understanding the laws of one plane, we can infer those of another.

Hermetic principles and laws

Rhythm Principle

Everything ebbs and flows, has its periods of advance and retreat. In the universe everything has a pendulum movement, with cycles of rise and fall, like tides, seasons and moods.

Principle of Cause and Effect

Every effect has its cause ; every cause has its effect . This principle maintains that nothing happens by chance and that every action has a corresponding reaction.

Gender Principle

Everything has its masculine and feminine components, manifested in all planes of existence . The duality present in everything, where masculine energy is associated with initiative and feminine energy with receptivity.

Principle of Analogy

Related to the principle of correspondence, it maintains that there is a relationship between all things at different levels of existence. What happens at one level can be understood by observing another.

Principle of Life

Everything in the universe has life and consciousness at some level. This principle is based on the idea that everything that exists is endowed with life, from inanimate objects to the most complex beings.

Principle of Immanence

Divinity and the sacred are present in everything that exists. The divine is not something separate from the universe, but is imbued in all things.

Principle of Similarity

Similar things attract and affect other similar things. This principle establishes that there is an attraction between entities and phenomena that have similar characteristics.

Law of Attraction

Like attracts like. Thoughts and feelings can attract similar events and circumstances into a person's life.

Vibration (Hermetic Law)

Nothing is still; everything moves and vibrates. Everything in the universe is in constant motion and vibration, and these vibrations vary in frequency.

Law of Unity

Everything is connected and part of a single whole. All beings and elements in the universe are interrelated and form an integral unit.

Law of Resonance

Similar vibrations attract and affect each other. The vibrational frequencies of different entities can influence and synchronize each other.

Law of Mentalism (another Hermetic Law)

Everything is mind; the universe is mental. The entire universe is a creation of the mind, and reality is a manifestation of consciousness.

Big wave in the sea

An analogy with the tides is used to explain the eternal flow of the universe, according to the principle of rhythm.

Planes of existence

In many esoteric and spiritual traditions, the universe is understood to be divided into several levels or planes of existence, each with its specific characteristics and laws. These are levels of reality that range from the most dense and material to the most subtle and spiritual. Within these planes, there are subplanes that represent additional divisions of experience and consciousness.

astral plane

It is considered the level of existence that is immediately above the physical plane. The following characteristics are attributed to it:

  • emotional nature : where emotions and desires reside. Human beings, during dreams and out-of-body experiences, can access this plane;
  • thought forms : thoughts and emotions manifest as visible forms, meaning it is a highly plastic world where the mind can directly influence astral matter;
  • Astral Entities – The astral plane is inhabited by various entities, some benign and some malicious, that are made of astral matter.

Mental plane

Thoughts are the very substance of this level, and can form complex structures of ideas and concepts. This plane is often divided into two subplanes:

  • lower mental : associated with intellect and logical and rational thought processes. It is the level where ideas, concepts and structured knowledge are generated and manipulated;
  • higher mental : related to intuition, wisdom and abstract thinking. On this subplane, ideas are purer and less influenced by ego and emotions.

Spiritual plane

The highest of the three and is associated with the most subtle dimension of existence.

  • Divine Connection : This plane is considered the source of divine light and energy. It is where the pure essence of being resides, and a direct connection with the absolute is experienced;
  • unity and transcendence : the divisions and dualities of the lower planes dissolve. Consciousness experiences the unity and transcendence of all things;
  • Spirit Guides and Beings of Light – This plane is inhabited by highly evolved entities such as spirit guides, ascended masters, and beings of light.
Digital brain

The mental plane recognizes a complex network of ideas and concepts.


The correspondence principle can be applied to understand how different forms of magic interrelate and operate at different levels of reality.

ceremonial magic

A highly structured practice that usually involves a series of rituals, invocations, and the use of specific symbols. This form of magic draws heavily on esoteric tradition and symbolic correspondences, such as those found in Jewish Kabbalah, alchemy , and other mystical disciplines . Ceremonial magic focuses on the manipulation of spiritual and mental energies to achieve specific results in the physical world. Combine invocation, words of power, ritual gestures and consecrated objects to establish a connection with a higher ethereal force.

earth magic

Also known as green magic or nature magic , it is deeply connected to the natural environment and the elemental issues of the earth. It focuses on working with plants, stones, minerals and other natural elements to channel energies and achieve desired changes. This form of magic respects and honors the power of nature, seeking to harmonize with its cycles and forces. Earth magic often includes practices such as herbalism, magical gardening, and the use of crystals and gemstones.

natural magic

It seeks to utilize the forces and energies inherent in the natural world without the need for complex rituals or ceremonies. It is based on the belief that everything in nature has a spirit or vital energy (Chi, Ki, Prana) that can be channeled and used for various purposes. Natural magic includes practices such as divination, the use of an amulet or talisman, and observing natural cycles such as the phases of the moon and the seasons of the year. It is a form of intuitive magic that is based on the personal connection with nature and its rhythms.