Definition of



What is essential or necessary is classified as essential: for example, having access to a plate of food.

Primordial is a term whose etymological origin is found in the Latin primordialis . It is an adjective that can be used to name the main thing about something, or that which is original, primitive or essential .

For example: “The most important thing, in these cases, is to protect minors” , “Reaching an agreement with creditors is essential for the country” , “The lack of access to the labor market is the primary obstacle that many people encounter. suffer from this disease."

The most important thing, the most important thing

The most important thing, therefore, can be the most important thing . If it is said that the primary objective of a soccer team is to maintain its category, it will be mentioning that said team's goal is not to be relegated. Once that primary objective has been met, you can aspire to other achievements.

It could be said that the accessory or the secondary is opposite to the primordial. In a home, having a bed to sleep in is essential; On the other hand, having an air conditioning unit is secondary. The bed and air conditioning each have a different degree of importance when it comes to the comforts of a home.


In a bedroom, the bed is essential.

A type of dwarfism

A rare type of dwarfism is known as primordial dwarfism , which affects only a hundred people worldwide. Individuals who suffer from this disease do not exceed 90 centimeters in height.

Primordial dwarfism is characterized by causing a smaller than normal body size at every stage of development , including before birth. However, it is worth mentioning that the majority of patients are not diagnosed before turning 3 years old. If an ultrasound is performed, doctors can detect that the fetus does not have the expected size for the gestational age, or that it has some intrauterine growth disability.

After birth, people with primordial dwarfism grow at a slower rate than normal and this inevitably affects their body weight. There are approximately one hundred people worldwide who have this disorder, which is considered the most serious of all types of dwarfism. Regarding its life expectancy, it does not exceed 30 years; When combined with microcephaly, the risk of vascular problems increases and can lead to premature death.

Types of primordial dwarfism

There are several types of primordial dwarfism, among which are the following:

* Primordial Osteodysplastic Dwarfism type I : it is usually abbreviated as ODPDI and is characterized by poor development of the corpus callosum of the brain (agenesia), apnea and seizures. Thin hair is also observed, including eyebrows and eyelashes. The vertebrae of the skeleton are too short, the clavicles are stretched, the hips appear displaced and the femurs are inclined. It is usually accompanied by microcephaly;

* Russell-Silver syndrome : the final height of individuals with this type of primordial dwarfism is usually greater than that observed in other types. Some of its characteristics are webbed toes on the feet, weakness in muscle tone, delayed bone age , failure of the testicles to descend, a voice that is too high-pitched, excessive size of the head and a wide forehead.

Unlike pituitary dwarfism, primordial dwarfism is not caused by a deficiency in growth hormone, which is why its administration does not usually represent an effective treatment . Regarding its causes, in 2008 it was discovered that it occurs due to mutations in the pericentrin gene that interrupt the normal cell cycle.

A black metal band

Primordial , on the other hand, is the name of an Irish black metal band.

It was formed in 1991 and released its first demo recording two years later, which is why it is considered a pioneer group of this genre of heavy rock in Ireland .