Definition of



Primitive man barely transformed his environment and had not yet developed writing.

From the Latin primitīvus , primitive is that or that which does not have or take origin from anything else . It is, therefore, someone or something that is linked to origins or early times.

Primitive men are those who lived in historical moments in which civilization was poorly developed. Primitive culture , therefore, belongs to prehistory .

Characteristics of a primitive society

The absence of writing, little technological development and little transformation of the environment are the most common characteristics that are usually associated with the notion of primitive culture or society .

By extension, the term is used as a synonym for elementary or rudimentary . For example: "Don Agustín is a primitive man, he barely knows how to use the telephone and has never sat in front of a computer" , "It is a somewhat primitive mechanism, but I think it can work" , "I'm tired of primitive things: I'm going to buy a plasma television .

Itinerary of the Camino de Santiago

It is interesting to make clear that when referring to the Spanish pilgrimage route known as the Camino de Santiago, it has several itineraries to follow it and among them is the Camino Primitivo. It receives this name because it follows the places through which, in the 4th century, King Alfonso II the Chaste passed to reach Santiago de Compostela and thus be able to see the remains of the Apostle Santiago.

There are eleven stages of the aforementioned Primitive Way. The starting point is in the Asturian city of Oviedo and from there it passes through other population centers such as Salas, Tineo, Pola de Allande, Grandas de Salime, Lugo or San Román da Retorta.

Primitive art

Petroglyphs are an example of primitive art.

Primitive art and primitive word

In the field of art , the primitive is associated with artists and works that belong to periods prior to those considered classic. In the Western world, primitive art is usually referred to as that before the Renaissance .

For grammar , a primitive word is one that is not derived from another in the same language .

Other uses of the concept

Nor can we ignore that, in Spain, there is what is known as a primitive lottery. It is a public game of chance in which citizens who wish can participate with a ticket made up of several numbers. The draw is carried out using a drum where there are forty-nine numbers and six are chosen, in addition to the complementary and the refund. The person or people who have the winning combination get a significant amount of money.

Within the political sphere the word primitive is also used. Thus, for example, we find the term primitive communism. This was coined to define the organization that the first communities of human beings had and was used to refer to it by the German Karl Marx, one of the most important philosophers and communists in history.

Primitivo , finally, is a masculine name: «My grandfather, Primitivo González, was one of the founders of this town» , «When the child was born, María wanted to honor her uncle and did not hesitate to baptize the baby as Primitivo, even when said name is no longer common .