Definition of



Arrogance involves imposing a position by force through the use of authority or power.

Arrogance is a concept that has its etymological origin in praepotentia , from the Latin language. This is the characteristic of a person who is arrogant , that is, who imposes his power or authority on other subjects to obtain benefit or to show it off.

For example: “I don't like people who try to achieve things with arrogance” , “The man confronted the employee and, with arrogance, demanded that he serve him” , “The president of the club showed once again his arrogance by pushing and insulting to the journalists who were covering the training.”

Arrogance, arrogance and arrogance

Arrogance is usually associated with pride and arrogance . The arrogant subject has an excessive appreciation of himself ; In other words, he feels superior to others. That is why he does not hesitate to try to impose himself by force (whether physical or symbolic), convinced that the rest of the people must submit to his will.

Suppose a person enters a store and discovers that there are four other customers waiting to be served; It can be said that if she approached the counter and demanded that the clerk serve her immediately because she had important things to do and couldn't waste time, she would be giving a clear example of arrogance.

Arrogance can also appear when a boss gives an order to an employee. This situation is not strange, since the internal hierarchy of the company allows certain individuals to tell others what they should do. But if the boss addresses his employee in a bad way and tells him that he must obey everything he tells him to the letter because if he does not fire him, he will have shown his arrogance.


Arrogance is common in arrogant individuals.

Frequent cases

Although this way of acting is usually uncommon within a group of people, thanks to certain television programs and social networks we can see that there are many more cases than we thought. In talent contests, for example, it is not uncommon to see participants who, despite not having the conditions to qualify, enter the scene claiming to be the best and attack the judges if they are not chosen.

Arrogant individuals can experience situations of power in some cases, but also be criticized and forced to endure loneliness and isolation as a direct consequence of their way of being.

Like any other unpleasant and unfair attitude towards others, it has its price, and it can often be higher than its victims think. What moves a person to be arrogant, to treat those around them with contempt? Where does the need of certain individuals to humiliate their employees in front of customers or their own colleagues come from? Do you find it truly satisfactory?

Arrogance in the workplace

Let's imagine a situation in which a worker with little experience is trying to fulfill his obligations in the best possible way, despite the nerves caused by being observed by his superiors while interacting with a client; Suddenly, his supervisor discredits him in front of everyone with a contemptuous tone, abruptly pushes him aside and shows him how he should behave without any interest in him learning, but rather seeking to show him how badly he had done it.

Said worker may feel very humiliated and even make the decision to quit. However, this does not mean that your supervisor's life is necessarily better; Attitudes of this type bring nothing but negative criticism and loneliness , since no one wants to get close to someone like that. And this may be the key point: perhaps arrogance comes from the fear of being alone, of feeling unappreciated, and ironically that is where it leads.