Definition of



The notion of preference can be associated with a predilection or primacy.

Preference , a term that comes from the Latin praeferens , allows us to indicate the advantage or primacy that something or someone has over another thing or person. This preference can arise for different reasons, such as value , desert or personal interests.

For example: "This author is not my preference, although I recognize that he knows how to generate intrigue in his stories" , "Tango is among my musical preferences" , "The coach has a preference for González, although he would also endorse the hiring of Ramírez" .

Preference according to social sciences

In the social sciences, preference is a choice (real or imaginary) between various alternatives and the way to order them . What is preferred usually acts as motivation or impetus for the development of actions. It is considered normal that people prefer to enjoy rather than suffer and, therefore, develop behavior that, in their opinion, brings them as much joy and pleasure as possible in their daily and long-term lives.

Personal preferences include certain foods, certain musical genres, types of people to interact with, and particular customs ; The combination of all these traits makes each individual a unique and unrepeatable being, who walks their own path, which they build day by day from birth to death. However, it cannot be said that these preferences arise spontaneously in all cases.


There are traffic signs that indicate the preference of passage or circulation.

The influence of the environment

It is known that human beings who live in society are part of one or more systems that were developed before our arrival in the world; These are complex organizations, generally difficult to perceive with the naked eye, that coordinate our existence, encourage us to feel attracted to certain activities, and mold us so that we do not hinder their plans.

When we are born, we inevitably submit to the ideas, tastes, frustrations and illusions of one or more people; We need constant assistance and various care for many years before we can take care of ourselves. During this long stage, we learn to relate to our environment, little by little distinguishing the good from the bad, the pleasant from the unpleasant, and we do so based on the basis that is imposed on us.

It is likely that a person born into a family of farmers sees animal exploitation as a normal and necessary issue to survive and feed themselves; Likewise, those who grow up as strict vegetarians never feel attracted to products of animal origin, since they believe that no being should go through the torture associated with slaughterhouses. Two points of view, two preferences, two practically opposite ideologies, which arise from the possibilities of the environment; What would happen if a carnivorous individual exchanged his past with that of a vegan?

We like to think that we decide for ourselves, that we spontaneously find our way; But it is difficult to deny that preferences are potentially temporary decisions, which are sustained as long as a new option does not appear, more tempting or sensible than those that have existed so far.

Preference and consumption

For economics , a consumer's preference determines his consumption. The general preferences of society, therefore, are decisive for the success of a trade and, in general, for the structure of the market .

There are various factors that influence a consumer's preference. One of them is the price ; In this case, the buyers' compass usually points towards the most accessible products at a monetary level. Other very important factors are quality , durability and brand value (what a person feels they buy when taking a product; it can be associated with a certain status that the consumer intends to access). The most successful companies are those that manage to interpret market preferences and that can adapt their offer according to them.