Definition of



Internet Explorer is the default browser for the Windows operating system.

Predetermined is a conjugation of predetermine , whose etymology takes us to the Latin language: praedetermināre . Specifically, it is interesting to know that this Latin word is made up of the following elements:

-The prefix “pre-”, which means “before.

-The prefix “de-”, which is used to indicate an action from top to bottom.

-The verb “terminare”, which is synonymous with “put a term” and which derives from “terminus”, which in turn can be translated as “limit” or “border”.

This verb predetermine refers to the action of fixing, establishing or stipulating something in advance .

For example: “It is not possible to negotiate anything when the result is already predetermined,” “If you wish, you can modify the default ringtone on the phone,” “The authorities assigned us a predetermined space where we can carry out the act.”

The default in computing

The notion of default is frequent in the field of computing . This is how those options or configurations that software comes by default are classified but that, in general, the user can modify.

If, when turning on a computer for the first time after installing an operating system, we see that the wallpaper is a photograph of a beach, it can be said that this image constitutes the default wallpaper of the program.

play tennis

When renting a tennis court, a predetermined time is agreed upon in which the facilities will be used.

The case of browsers and word processors

In the same way, within the field of computing, different actions can be carried out that make it clear that, from that moment on, one program becomes the default instead of another. Thus, for example, many people who when buying a computer came across the fact that the browser that was previously established was Internet Explorer. However, for different situations they may want to not use that one but another such as Google Chrome.

In that case, what have they done? Directly install this latest browser and then go to the Settings section and, once there, click on the option to set it as the default browser.

In the same way, it must be taken into account that, as a general rule, computers that include the Windows operating system include another series of software that is predetermined. Specifically, we are referring, for example, to the word processor, which in this case is Microsoft Word. However, there are those who want to change it and in that case they choose to look for alternative proposals such as those offered by the OpenOffice package.

Other uses of the notion of default

In some areas, what is predetermined is a temporary period in which a person will be able to use a service. If two friends rent a tennis court for two hours, those 120 minutes will be the default time they have to play (because it is already set before they start using the facility).

A man who lives in Lima and wants to travel to Bogotá , on the other hand, can hire a tourist package that includes tickets to the Colombian capital and accommodation in the city. The hotels in which you will spend the night, therefore, are part of the package: they are predetermined when the contract is finalized and defined in advance by the travel agency.