Definition of



The idea of ​​potential can be linked to the power, strength or power of a person.

The first thing we must do before beginning to analyze in depth the meaning of the potential word is to undertake the establishment of its etymological origin. Thus, in this sense, it must be emphasized that it is found in Latin where we discover that the aforementioned term is formed from the union of three clearly differentiated parts: the word potis which means "power", the nexus - nt - which is equivalent to "agent", and the suffix - which can be translated as "relative to".

Potential is a term with numerous uses. As an adjective, it can refer to one or something that has power , that is capable of having existence or that has the virtue of something different. For example: "Leandro has great potential, but he must continue training if he wants to play in the First Division" , "The Argentine team has potential although the competition will be very tough" , "A factory of this type is a potential danger for all the neighbors" .

Potential is also the power or strength that exists in a field or sector: «The economic potential of the province is scarce due to its geographical location and climatic conditions» , «China has a military potential that is difficult to match» , «I want that the country exploits its industrial potential to generate wealth .

Potential in physics

For physics , potential is a magnitude (vector or scalar) that allows signaling the possible modification or development of a different magnitude. Potential, on the other hand, is the mathematical function used to know how intense a force field is at a certain point.

Thus, in the field of physics we find several terms that use the concept we are addressing. In this way, there is, for example, the so-called potential energy , which is that which expresses the capacity that a specific body has to undertake a task and which depends greatly on the position in which the body is located in the field. of forces.

Likewise, in this scientific field it is also very common to talk about what is known as electromagnetic vector potential. Vector potential is also what it is called, which is nothing more than a three-dimensional vector field thanks to which it is possible to know and establish what the magnetic field is.


Electric potential is expressed in volts.

The term in medicine

Medicine is another sector of science that uses the potential concept in the same way.

In his case, he does so by using two expressions: potential cautery, which is an element that is used to burn a wound and that stands out because it acts more quickly or slowly due to its chemical properties, and potential fire, which is one that It has a series of corrosive components.

Electric potential and potential mode

In the field of electricity , potential is the magnitude that reflects the existing voltage differential between two spaces in the same circuit. Electric potential is measured in volts.

The potential mode , in grammar , is the one that indicates the verbal action as probable (not confirmed): "Ramiro would travel to Colombia tonight" , "The president of the club would abandon his position according to the versions collected by the local press" , "The Pérez would sell their house if the situation does not improve, although they have not yet made any decision."