Definition of

Aerobic power


Aerobic power is the body's ability to perform sustained physical effort over time with limited fatigue and rapid recovery.

Aerobic power is the organic capacity to develop physical activities sustained over time with reduced fatigue and rapid recovery. The notion of aerobiosis refers to life in an environment with oxygen ; In this case, the notion of aerobic is related to the possibility of carrying out work with oxygen as an energy source .

It is important to differentiate between aerobic exercises (long duration and low intensity) and anaerobic exercises (short duration and high intensity). A person's aerobic power is linked to their ability to do aerobic exercises (such as jogging), while anaerobic power has to do with their ability to complete anaerobic exercises (such as doing sit-ups).

Importance of aerobic power

Aerobic power, therefore, depends on how the body manages to obtain oxygen through respiration and use it in tissues and muscles. The greater the aerobic power, the greater the ability to perform low or medium intensity physical activity for an extended period of time (which can be several hours).

To run a marathon , a person must have high aerobic power. These races force the athlete to complete a 42-kilometer route at the highest speed possible, which involves running for more than two hours. The runner will only be able to withstand the effort if he has good aerobic power, which allows him to capture and use oxygen and keep his heart rate controlled.


It is possible to train to improve aerobic power.

The training

There are different types of training that help improve aerobic power so that, over time, said resistance and capacity increases. It is important to note that this preparation has two main objectives: to achieve maximum aerobic speed and to ensure that our body adapts to "endure the suffering" involved in carrying out a demanding practice over a long period of time.

Aerobic power training should be carried out in two periods: before the start of the competition or sporting event in which you wish to participate, preferably several weeks in advance; and during the competitive season, with the aim of maintaining the level between one match and the next. It is recommended to warm up before starting, whether on a bicycle or on foot, lasting approximately 1 hour.

Concepts related to the notion of aerobic power

Although at first glance the idea of ​​aerobic power may seem simple, it is closely linked to other concepts:

  • Specific strength : as opposed to general strength, it is about physically conditioning certain muscle groups to overcome the practice of very demanding physical exercises.
  • Running technique : although most human beings can run, in the sporting field several factors are taken into account so that this action meets certain requirements and can be controlled. Some of the concepts to take into account within running technique are stride frequency, resting the body's weight while running, and foot orientation.
  • Energy saving : an essential point of aerobic power is the economy of effort, since only by making the most of each action that our body performs can we manage to carry out an exercise for several hours.
  • Breathing : another of the concepts that are basic for people, but from the point of view of a sports or singing professional, for example, it acquires a series of nuances that turn it into a discipline in itself. Which part of the lungs should be used, when to take air through the mouth and when to do it through the nose, how much air is necessary for each exercise and how to retain it for as long as possible are some of the main questions.