Definition of

Social position


The idea of ​​social position refers to the symbolic place that an individual occupies in society.

From the Latin positĭo , position is a concept linked to someone's posture or attitude . The term is also used to name a particular disposition or situation.

Social , on the other hand, is an adjective that refers to that belonging to or related to society . It should be noted that a society is known as the set of individuals who interact with each other and who share the same culture , forming a community.

Social position is the symbolic place that a person occupies in the scheme of society and that reflects the conditions of the subject with respect to the other members of the community .

What is social position

The notion of social position refers to the social status of the individual. It is possible to speak of an assigned status (the result of previous social factors such as race, gender or age), an acquired status (which is based on merit and recognition, such as the particular social position achieved by a famous footballer) , an objective status (assigned by society according to criteria imposed by the group) or a subjective status (that which the person believes he or she possesses).

For all this we could say that any person will have one social position or another based on their age, their sex, their origin, their studies, their marital status, their business achievements, their money, their behavior...


Social position arises from a stratification that establishes different classes.

Result of a stratification

Social position can also be understood as social class , which is the result of a stratification of society. Typically, this stratification is based on the economy : the greater the wealth, the more one belongs to a higher social class (which is higher up in the social pyramid).

Thus, in everyday language we can speak of a person who has a good social position (that is, who belongs to the upper class) since he has a well-paid job, has his own house and has a latest model car.

Ranking according to social position

In order to determine the social position of individuals, various factors must be taken into account, such as the businesses they own and their benefits. Precisely based on them, the well-known Forbes list is prepared annually, which is the list of the richest people in the world and is compiled by the magazine that gives it its name.

Bill Gates, Amancio Ortega o Carlos Slim son algunos de los empresarios que de manera frecuente suelen aparecer en ese documento. No obstante, en cuanto a artistas, es habitual la presencia de figuras de la talla de Madonna, Beyonce, Britney Spears, justin bieber, Jay-Z o Snoop Dogg.


In the times we live in, many people dream of improving their social position with the clear objective of being able to rub shoulders with individuals who move in the high spheres of power and also to be able to have much more money, prestige and a life full of luxuries.

Specifically, this leads them to dream of being able to have a life in some of the cities or residential neighborhoods in the world that are known precisely for the fact that they are home to the homes of men and women with the highest social standing. Thus, for example, we are referring to cities such as Marbella , Saint-Tropez and Monaco .