Definition of



Someone possessive has a will to dominate others.

Possessive is a word that has its origin in the Latin language: possessīvus . It is an adjective that is associated with possession . This term, for its part, refers to possessing or having something, or the effect of seizing it.

The most common use of the concept is linked to people who have the will to dominate others, that is, they try to control them or keep all their time . For example: “Ignacio is a good man, but he is too possessive” , “I would not tolerate being with someone so possessive, who asks me every five minutes what I am doing” , “Uncle Ramiro asked Aunt Elba not to be so possessive of me.”

possessive individuals

In a human being , the qualifier possessive is usually seen as something negative. The possessive person invades the other, curtailing their freedom and pressuring them in various ways. Suppose a woman is getting ready to go out with her friends and her husband tells her to come back in an hour. Additionally, the man calls her on the phone several times while his wife is meeting. It could be said, therefore, that said man is possessive.

The desire to possess another person, objectifying them, is a form of violence . In its most subtle manifestations it can be harmless but, as the tendency increases, it becomes dangerous.


The possessive adjective refers to the ownership of something.

Attitudes that should be condemned

To fight against a possessive attitude , it is important that both parties commit, since there is no point in "arguing" or "fighting" against the possessive being. The first step, as in almost all problems in our societies, is to talk about it. If an individual feels that they are being controlled by their partner or by someone with whom they have a loving relationship, it is important that they speak directly to them, except in cases where they believe they are in danger.

If there is a risk that being possessive will cause physical harm, then it is preferable to go to the authorities to file a complaint. If the level of control is not so dangerous, then the talk should aim to expose the problem, to have the person responsible admit that they are depriving the other of their freedom and to commit to changing their attitude .

In a relationship, respecting the individuality of the other is essential. While the two parties are expected to come together to share their daily lives, to make the most important decisions together and to enjoy unique experiences such as raising children, this does not mean that they should give up their freedom completely, to their right to have their own friends, to go out for walks on their own, etc. A possessive person cannot understand or accept this, and this failure begins his negative attitude.

Behavior of someone possessive

Among the signs that can warn a person of a possessive attitude in their partner are the following:

* demand that the other not have any secrets, including your passwords and the details of conversations you have with your friends;

* calling him on the phone too many times while he is on a leisure outing or at work, a clear sign of mistrust that can destroy the relationship in a short time;

* ask him to stay with her every time he has plans with other people and react badly if he doesn't.

The term in grammar

Within the scope of grammar , a possessive adjective is one that indicates the ownership of something (referenced by a noun) to a thing or an individual.

"Mine" y "our" son ejemplos de adjetivos posesivos: “He was Esteban, my dear brother.”, "What are you doing? “That place is ours.”.