Definition of


DustThe term dust comes from the Vulgar Latin pulvus , in turn from pulvis . In its broadest meaning, a solid particle of very small size is called dust.

We usually talk about powder to refer to the portion or fragments resulting from an element that was crumbled, crushed or ground . The use of powders is common in the field of gastronomy .

Garlic powder , for example, is made from dehydrated garlic. To prepare it, you first need to make the garlic lose its moisture. For this, the cloves must be cut into sheets and placed in the oven . Once the garlic is dry, it can be made into powder with a grinder, blender, or food processor.

Although the original and fresh product retains its properties in greater proportions, both its medicinal effects and flavor, garlic powder is a perfectly acceptable alternative to season certain dishes in which we want this ingredient to not be invasive, and also to leave out of the step if we do not have natural garlic. As in everything, diversity is never a negative thing: each person can choose the option they like best, the one that offers their preferred results.

Cocoa powder , meanwhile, is obtained by grinding the cocoa beans and then introducing the result into an alkaline solution so that it loses the fat. Powdered milk , for its part, is produced from the dehydration of pasteurized milk.

These products are used very frequently in the gastronomic industry but also in the home. In fact, cocoa powder is usually mixed with milk to prepare the so-called chocolatada . Regarding powdered milk, it is often used to flavor certain infusions, such as tea. It is not so common to combine both powder products, but it can be done without any problem.

One of the advantages of powdered food products is their longer shelf life compared to the originals. Since its expiration date is longer, it can be stored safely and used freely over several weeks or months. This can be useful on more than one occasion; For example, if we need large quantities of the same product because we use it daily, the powder version results in a smaller volume when storing it and fewer trips to the store to buy it.

DustDry earth that disintegrates and that usually rises into the air is also called dust. By extension, the set of solid particles that move in the environment is called dust.

Dust found in the atmosphere , coming from the ground or from various industrial activities, flies due to the action of the wind. It can cause various health disorders, especially affecting the lungs .

Maintaining the cleanliness of the home or any facility requires, among other things, the action we commonly call dusting . It is necessary to point out that when cleaning one surface we cannot avoid "dirtying" another: we remove it from a table and it falls to the floor, etc. In this way, the objective we pursue is to move it from one place to another until it ends up in a waste bag or on the outside of a building, depending on our needs.

In the field of cosmetics , finally, powder is a product used for makeup . It comes in various shades and is used to add color to the cheeks. It should not be applied directly to the skin, but rather on top of others, generally moist and pasty.