Definition of



The idea of ​​pollution refers to environmental contamination.

Pollution is a notion that has its etymological origin in the Latin word pollutio . It is about environmental pollution caused by certain substances and waste. Pollution, in this sense, generates multiple problems for nature and for all living beings.

For example: “The environmental group demanded measures to reduce pollution in the city center” , “The factory was closed by the authorities due to the high level of pollution it generated” , “I dream of living in a world without pollution, in so that our children can breathe fresh air.”

Pollution implies a harmful modification of an ecosystem , from the introduction of a polluting agent into the environment. Said agent can have different characteristics, according to its origin.

Human beings and pollution

The usual thing is that pollution is caused by human action. The activities that people carry out usually carry an environmental footprint ; That is, they leave their mark on the planet. If an industry, within the framework of its production process, generates emissions of polluting gases, it will be causing pollution. Those who live around the factory in question may suffer various health problems due to contact with these gases.

Although many organizations fight to protect the integrity of the planet and to promote more respectful lifestyles , our civilization has reached a point where it is practically impossible to stop pollution: if we want to continue enjoying certain benefits such as airplane flights, automobile transportation, television and mass products, we should find revolutionary methods to sustain them without generating any type of environmental pollution.


Many industrial activities generate pollution.

The lesser evil

Faced with this reality, as happens in other cases, the lesser evil is usually sought or, as Saint Thomas Aquinas defined it, the "least harmful solution." As unfortunate as it may seem, the system in which we live is too complex to solve all the problems it entails, and that is why the realistic way to deal with them is to eliminate the few that can be eliminated and reduce the impact of the rest.

In the most organized cities and with strict control of the condition of vehicles, pollution is not as evident as in those in which the rules seem to have been created to avoid them. While in certain places in the world the gray cloud is impossible to ignore and represents a nightmare for people with respiratory problems, others hide the damage they cause to the planet with abundant trees in their streets and with rigorously maintained cars. In all cases, no urban landscape is synonymous with clean air, something that could only be achieved if we had not violently altered any ecosystem.

On a large scale, pollution is identified as responsible for various environmental alterations that threaten life on Earth . Scientists affirm that, due to the pollution that exists in the atmosphere (caused by emissions from vehicles, industrial activity, etc.), the so-called greenhouse effect is produced, which leads to global warming.

Night pollution

The expulsion of semen is known as pollution, in another sense. Pollution, in this sense, is synonymous with ejaculation , although the concept is usually used only in association with ejaculation that is not voluntary and that takes place while the man sleeps (the so-called nocturnal pollution) .

Nocturnal pollution appears during the transition from childhood to adolescence and usually causes surprise, as well as embarrassment, given the normal lack of communication between parents and children. For a 12-year-old boy who has not received relevant information about his body's development , waking up in the middle of the night or in the morning having experienced his first ejaculation can feel strange and exasperating at the thought of his parents finding out.