Definition of


The notion of polyamory is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). However, it is a neologism that the Urgent Spanish Foundation ( Fundéu BBVA ) considers valid.

PolyamoryPolyamory is formed with the compositional element “poli-” (which refers to a plurality ) and the noun “love” . The concept refers to a sexual and/or emotional bond between three or more people that is established with the knowledge and approval of all parties.

Polyamory, therefore, is a loving relationship that involves more than two people . This bond transcends the classic couple format, in which there are two people involved and the appearance of a third party represents a betrayal of the conventional agreement.

Those who defend polyamory do not believe in monogamy . According to his position, human beings do not have to limit themselves to developing a single relationship that ties them to a life of two, but can maintain plural bonds in a responsible manner and reaching consensus among those involved.

A characteristic of polyamory is that it objects to sexual exclusivity but without dismissing commitment and long-term relationships. That is why it should not be linked to mere exchange of partners or occasional orgies.

It is important to consider that, in polyamory, the participants accept the rules . That a man relates to two women, or vice versa, is not taken as a breach of the covenant or as a fault.

In addition to everything indicated, we cannot ignore other interesting information about polyamory, such as the following:

-This term was coined in the 90s.

-It is also known as polyamory.

-There is no single specific form of polyamory. Thus, for example, there may be a person who maintains a polyamorous relationship with several who, in turn, have more partners or may have it with individuals who do not have more partners. What's more, in a polyamorous relationship there can be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual people...

-It is considered that the keys for a polyamorous relationship to work are communication between all its members as well as trust, freedom, honesty and even conscience. It is also established that it is essential that there are no jealousy problems.

-In the same way, it is indicated that polyamory, although it is also based on sex, is based, above all, on love, affection and affection.

-Those who are against polyamory are so because they allude to arguments such as that these relationships do not last and end up breaking up due to jealousy or lack of affection or that those who are not directly capable of committing to anyone opt for it.

-Polyamory Day in Spain is June 21.

-More and more people are choosing polyamory. Thus, for example, it is established that in the United States alone there are more than 500,000 relationships of this type.

There are celebrities who, in recent years, have publicly spoken out in favor of polyamory. That is the case of the Argentine actress Florencia Peña , who in 2018 confessed to having an open relationship with her boyfriend.