Definition of



A controversy generates controversies.

Controversy is something that provokes controversy and awakens conflicting passions . The concept, which has its origins in the Greek language, is linked to the tricks used to defend or offend a position .

Controversy can be defined as the practice of contenders attempting to refute or endorse a certain position . When a person makes a proposal that finds an opposite response, controversy occurs.

For example: "In the midst of the controversy, the coach assured that he will not resign from his position" , "The artist's statements about religion generated a great controversy" , "Controversy over the nudity scenes in the British director's latest film" .

Common controversies

Controversy is linked to rhetoric , which is the ability to give language the necessary effectiveness to persuade or move. The generation of controversy supposes that the speech or action manages to awaken a passion or feeling, whether favorable or negative.

For controversy to exist, there has to be a topic that people are passionate about and that leads them to defend a position . Politics is one of the usual spheres of controversy, as it involves people's ideology and the decisions made in their name affect entire peoples and, in many cases, the entire world.

Religion also tends to be a fertile field of controversy because it touches people's sensitive chords. Those actions or demonstrations that are contrary to a religious belief arouse the anger and indignation of the faithful, and this unleashes a confrontation that has spanned many generations.

Another space conducive to controversy is sport . The rulings of the judges and the decisions of the coaches are often axes of conflict.


Animal exploitation always generates controversy.

The rights of living beings

When controversies address issues related to the rights of living beings, they are especially difficult to resolve. Such is the case of protests against the many acts of violence that human beings organize and direct towards the rest of the animal species in all parts of the world. Whether bullfights , water parks , slaughterhouses or zoos , our relationship with the other inhabitants of this planet leaves much to be desired, and is the reason for recurring confrontations between animal groups and corporate robots.

The most alarming characteristic of this type of controversies is that they are not about tastes or preferences, but about the right to be free, something that all living beings should enjoy. For some reason that no one has stopped to explain to us convincingly, our species has decided that it has the power to take over territories and individuals as it pleases; When someone opposes the exploitation of animals in amusement parks and zoos, the Law sides with the torturers, and the same is true in most cases.

Controversies that invite you to think

In this way, the clash of opinions does not achieve enough force to achieve a profound change, although this does not mean that it is in vain. People are not known for thinking things through carefully before acting; At the very least, it is difficult to deny that we spend the first part of our lives, an average of a decade, absorbing the cultural baggage imposed on us by our elders, without significantly questioning their principles. By the time we reach adolescence, we have already been programmed.

This makes it difficult for us to discern good and evil; but it is possible to face our roots and try to think for ourselves. Many repeat that attacking a bull to painful death in front of a crowd of angry people does not constitute torture, but rather a celebration, a ritual; But how many of those people have stopped to think about what really happens during those painful celebrations? A controversy can make some of them open their eyes, and therein lies its potential effectiveness .