Definition of



Electrical polarity is the property of the poles of a battery, which can be negative or positive.

Polarity is the physical property of those agents that accumulate at the poles of some body and become polarized. Depending on the area, it is possible to distinguish between different types of polarity.

Electrical polarity is the property of the terminals (poles) of a battery or cell, which can be positive or negative. The electric current circulates from the cathode (negative pole) to the anode (positive pole), generating a flow that allows the operation of various devices through electrical energy .

The concept in chemistry and linguistics

Chemical polarity , for its part, is seen when the electrical charges of a molecule separate. When the molecule is formed from a covalent bond, the electrons move towards the most important zone of electronegativity. From then on, the electric dipole develops due to the differences in the charge density of the nuclei that make up the link in question.

In the field of linguistics , polarity is known as the existence or lack of grammatical particles that allow a negation to be specified. It should be noted that the notion of grammatical particle refers to the parts of speech that do not vary.

Polarity in colloquial language

Within colloquial language, on the other hand, polarity refers to the situation or state in which opposite tendencies are evident, which are contradictory to each other.

For example: «If the leaders continue promoting polarity, the escalation of violence will not stop» , «In football matters, the polarity that exists in the town is evident» , «We must try to avoid polarity and look for links between the parties » .


In colloquial language, polarity is associated with a confrontation.

A healing system

A healing system based on holism is known as polarity therapy , which is why it analyzes each aspect of the patient as a whole, considering it as a whole and trying to put the person in harmony with the environment. Its creator was the Swiss doctor Randolph Stone, who combined his knowledge of fields such as chiropractic, osteopathy and Ayurvedic medicine with herbology, oriental massage and acupuncture, among other ancient healing techniques.

Some of the countries in which polarity therapy is practiced are Spain, England, Germany, Canada, Argentina, the United States and Mexico.

Polarity Therapy Basics

Let's look at some of its foundations:

* the body's ability to keep its electrical circuits fluid is basic for health ;

* any element that obstructs this fluidity produces symptoms that lead to diseases;

* Our body is much more than organs, nerves, bones and skin, since we are energy.

The energy of our body, which is an electric field, is divided into three poles: positive, negative and neutral. When a "short circuit" occurs, our entire body is affected. It is necessary to know and understand the different currents that constitute us, as well as their charges, in order to maintain balance on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

This balance can be achieved through polarity therapy, which includes tools to achieve a better knowledge of one's own body, yoga and a special diet, in addition to the harmonization of the Five Elements and the Chakras, without which life cannot occur. life.

What differentiates polarity therapy from other treatments is its focus on energy blockages and the search to awaken in each patient their own healing force , an ability that its founder assures we all have to heal without the need for third parties to intervene . Among its benefits are the activation of the immune system, relaxation, improved sleep; In addition, it promotes emotional and mood balance , increases productivity and the ability to concentrate, and is adequately complemented with other treatments.