Definition of



By having political power, presidents can make multiple decisions that impact the life of society.

Although it is very important to know the meaning of the word power , it is also important to know for sure where its etymological origin lies. And we have to say that this is found in Vulgar Latin and more specifically in the concept posere .

A verb cited above that could be translated as “to be possible” or “to be capable of”, and which comes from the expression, pote est , which has the same meaning as the aforementioned verbal form.

The term power has multiple definitions and uses. This word, as many of you know, is used to describe the faculty, ability, capacity or authorization to carry out a certain action . Power also implies having greater physical and intellectual strength in relation to another individual and surpassing him in a physical fight or in an argument.

Domain or jurisdiction

On the other hand, as can be read in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , the concept of power indicates the possibility of something happening: “It may snow tonight.”

In any case, the most common use of the term refers to the control, empire, dominion and jurisdiction that a man has to carry out something or impose a mandate . Thus, power is related to the government of a country or to the tool that consists of the faculty that a human being grants to another so that, on his behalf, he can carry out a certain plan. Power is also a possession or the holding of something (for example: “I already have the documents in my possession” ).

Thus, a sentence that could perfectly reflect what was stated could be the following: In the city hall of that great city, the candidates for the elections gave everything they had to be victorious because it was clear that they all wanted to seize power.


In some contexts, power is associated with physical strength.

Different types of power

This concept, when used in combination with other words, allows us to name different situations. Thus, absolute power describes despotism; purchasing power , the economic availability to buy goods and contract services of various kinds; constituent power , that which focuses on popular sovereignty to achieve an organization through its Constitutions; executive power , which is in charge of governing the State and observing the laws; legislative power , which is supposed to have the power to make and reform laws; and judicial power , which exercises the administration of justice, among others.

In addition to all of the above, it is also important to add that it is very common to hear what is known as the fourth power. This is an expression that attempts to express the great importance that the press has today in society around the world. It is considered that through the different media that make up the press, it is possible to influence citizens as well as to exert strong pressure on the different political leaders.

In the same way, we must talk about what the fifth power is. In this case, this name includes the Church and religion. An institution or a doctrine that also has the capacity to greatly influence human beings.