Definition of


lack of money

Poverty is usually linked to the lack of material resources.

Poverty is the quality of poor . This adjective refers to people who do not have what is necessary to live with dignity , who are humble or who are unhappy. For example: “My cousin lives in poverty; “He has four children and can barely feed them,” “In this country, poverty continues to increase year after year,” “Roberto's father won the lottery and was able to escape poverty.”

Poverty, therefore, is a way of life that appears when people lack the necessary resources to satisfy their basic needs . This condition is characterized by nutritional deficiencies, lack of access to health care and education , and not having a home that meets the basic requirements to develop correctly.

Causes of poverty

There are various involuntary situations that can lead an individual to poverty; Unemployment, insufficient wages and natural disasters are some of the most frequent. Likewise, an illness whose recovery requires disproportionate expenses is usually the unfortunate path to bankruptcy for many families. On the other hand, it should be noted that the unconscious use of money can end up with large fortunes.

It is usually considered that a family falls below the poverty line when its income does not allow it to afford the basic food basket . When this desperate situation extends over time, we speak of impoverishment.


Due to poverty, many people are forced to live in undignified conditions.

Survival instinct

Living beings cannot help but let our sense of survival drive us to continue moving forward when everything seems to be over; And it is precisely poverty, extreme need, one of the social situations in which many people discover how strong they are, how many sacrifices they are willing to make to take care of their loved ones and provide them with a better future.

Basic deficiencies can represent a nightmare for many people, but they can also show them the best in themselves. The social system to which we submit is not prepared for us to get out of a well as deep as the lack of shelter and food; It does not seem possible to attend job interviews without having been able to clean yourself, without having clean and ironed clothes.

But many people manage to go through these stages thanks to thinking differently, to acting like they have never done before; They do not give in to the impossibility of taking the conventional path, but instead focus on the possibility of those decisions that, perhaps, will lead them to the best opportunities . That force of will, that lucidity in critical moments is his true wealth.

Sometimes the term underdevelopment is used to refer to poverty, which is a euphemism. Underdevelopment is linked to the inability of a country or a region to achieve an adequate level of development of its capabilities.

spiritual poverty

Beyond the economic or material notion, the term poverty can also be used to talk about the spiritual emptiness of someone who does not love or who is not loved, the loneliness of a person who has not known how to surround himself with other living beings that complete his life. existence. This meaning is clearly literary, although it also appears in the context of conversations focused on feelings, regardless of their formality or linguistic beauty.

In this sense, a very great effort is also necessary to overcome poverty and, just as in the material field, success is not guaranteed. Letting go of one's own needs to the point of being alone, distancing oneself from others, allowing the soul to dry out and becoming an antisocial being, are not decisions that can be easily reversed the day we realize our mistakes.