Definition of



The adjective full allows you to describe that which is full or full.

Pleno is a term whose etymology leads us to plenus , a Latin word. Generally, the concept is used as an adjective to describe what is full or full .

For example: «With the auditorium full, the Spanish writer gave a conference that lasted more than two hours» , «I trust that the stadium will be full when we have to face the Brazilian team» , «It is difficult to complete a project in a full congress of opponents" , "The sea is full of jellyfish" .

Full, on the other hand, can refer to something vital , predominant , or in the middle of something: "An activist got naked in the middle of her speech and caused a big stir," "It's rare for it to be so hot in the middle of winter." "The power went out in the middle of the game."

The notion of full, in this sense, can also refer to the middle or center of something in a physical sense : "The ball hit the spectator in the face, who fell in shock," "The British boxer received three blows in the stomach before fall" .

Plenary in the political sphere

Within the political sphere the word plenary is also used. In this case, it is used to designate the meeting held by all the members of a municipal corporation, mayor and councilors , to be able to publicly debate the most important aspects that refer to the population and also to be able to vote on the decisions that in this regard they compete.

Officially, the plenary session is defined as the highest body of political representation of the citizens of a population and it is worth knowing other information of interest:

  • It is chaired by the Mayor and the person in charge of recording everything that happens is the secretary.
  • The plenary sessions are public and can be of two types: ordinary , which are held periodically, or extraordinary , to address specific and specific topics.
  • Each session will have an agenda, which will be followed to the letter.
  • For each political party that is a member of the corporation, there will be a spokesperson who will be in charge of debating matters with the rest.
  • Ordinary sessions must be called at least two days in advance. The extraordinary ones will not have to meet this requirement fundamentally because they are urgent in nature.
  • The setting where the plenary sessions take place is the City Council itself.

Pleno can refer to what is in the middle or center of something: "I would like to visit Bariloche in the middle of winter to enjoy the snow."

Expressions with the term

In the field of lottery, the term full is used. Specifically, in Spain they talk about "full to 15" , it is an expression used to record that the person has won the biggest prize in the pool.

The expression "in plenary session" can be used to refer to the fact of bringing together all the members of a group or entity: "The balance sheet was approved by the board of directors in plenary session."

"Fully" , finally, is a phrase that is used in the colloquial language of certain regions as a way of approval or confirmation : "This summer we are going to Brazil, fully" , "Yes, fully, we will take advantage of the offer and "We will buy the house."