Definition of


general meeting

The idea of ​​a plenary session can refer to a general meeting.

Plenary , which comes from the Latin plenarĭus , is a concept that can be used as an adjective or as a noun. In the first case, it allows you to qualify something that is complete or full .

As a noun, plenary refers to the general meeting organized by an entity , bringing together all its representatives or members. For example: "Two mayors undertook to testify before the plenary session of legislative commissions" , "The plenary session of the union secretaries ended without reaching an agreement on the measures to be taken" , "Tomorrow the plenary session of bishops will begin, which will have "as an objective the preparation of a document on the current state of the Church."

Plenary of Parliamentarians of the Valencian Country

Within the political sphere, we have to highlight that there were and are different organizations that have the term in question in their name. Thus, for example, we find the so-called Plenary of Parliamentarians of the Valencian Country .

This was a body that was created and constituted by the 41 deputies and senators who were elected in the first democratic elections held in Spain after the dictatorship of Francisco Franco , that is, in 1977 . The objective of this entity was none other than to provide autonomy to the Valencian Community .


The concept of plenary is used in the field of justice.

A type of session

Likewise, within the political field, there is also what is known as a plenary session , which is each of the meetings and meetings held by the different leaders of a government body, with the clear objective of being able to establish debates and hold votes with the purpose of carrying out projects and initiatives for the population.

In this way, we find, for example, the plenary sessions of municipal corporations or city councils or those of the Senate . In the case of Spain , those of this last body are characterized by these aspects:

  • They are held every two weeks.
  • Some days they take place in the morning and others in the afternoon.
  • Citizens who wish can attend them, requesting it in advance and proceeding to fill out the corresponding bureaucratic procedure.
  • People who take advantage of this possibility of attending should know that they will see the course of the session specifically from the gallery of the chamber.

Plenary in law

The notion of plenary session is also used in the field of law . This is the name given to the stage of a judicial procedure that begins after the summary and continues until the moment of the sentence. In this instance, the charges and accusations are exposed and opposed to the defense, with no limits on the presentation of evidence or allegations.

A plenary trial , on the other hand, is one in which the possession of an asset is analyzed based on the rights of each of the parties in dispute, so that it can be decided who legally owns the possession in question.

Plenary absolution , on the other hand, refers to that which is applied to many people simultaneously, absolving them of guilt and charge. In religion , plenary absolution is linked to the decision of a priest to absolve the sins of one or many subjects in the face of an emergency (such as imminent death).