Definition of



In colloquial language, plasticity is associated with elasticity.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , plasticity is a quality of plastic materials . There are, however, various uses of the concept.

Plasticity can be said to be a mechanical property of some substances, capable of undergoing irreversible and permanent deformation when subjected to a stress that exceeds their elastic range or limit . When it comes to metals, plasticity can be explained according to the movements of dislocations that are impossible to reverse. In this sense, it is necessary to differentiate between plasticity and what is known as elastic behavior , which can be reversed at a thermodynamic level.

Cellular plasticity

The notion of cellular plasticity , on the other hand, is a property that characterizes stem cells and allows them to differentiate. It has been shown that a cell can not only differentiate from another, but also has the ability to return to its previous state.

Ions that are common to the environment and their location in the homeostatic system are responsible for regulating the electrolytic abilities of cells. When a potential difference is recorded between the interior of the cell and the environment, molecular precipitation occurs, which allows compensation to be achieved through the coupling of ionized molecules to the plasma membrane.

The term linked to phenotypes

In biology, there is the concept of phenotypic plasticity , which refers to the properties possessed by genotypes that allow them to create other phenotypes to cope with a certain environmental condition. This concept is closely linked to the concept of evolution.

There are two types of phenotypic plasticity: developmental plasticity and phenotypic flexibility . The first refers to the changes that occur in a species in order to avoid perishing, and is absolutely linked to evolution ; while the second is that which occurs in the same individual and is reversible .


Neuronal plasticity is the functional and natural property of neurons to carry out communication.

Neuronal plasticity

Neuronal plasticity , also known as synaptic plasticity , neural plasticity , or neuroplasticity , is the natural and functional property of neurons when establishing communication.

If we look for the definition made by the World Health Organization we can say that neuronal plasticity is described as the capacity of the cells that make up the nervous system to reconstitute themselves anatomically and functionally, after certain pathologies , diseases or even traumas .

It is an adaptive capacity of the entire nervous system to solve or counteract the effects that an injury can cause in cells. This quality involves the modulation of the perception of incoming and outgoing stimuli with respect to their environment in such a way that certain neurons can compensate for the deficiencies and take the place of other neurons that do not function correctly. In turn, neuronal plasticity allows the growth of new synapses using a damaged neuron as a starting point.

Changes in this brain capacity

It is worth mentioning that this brain capacity is more efficient when the affected person is young than when he or she is an adult. On the other hand, the process of neuronal reconstruction develops gradually, and its results can be seen in the small improvements that the patient shows in his or her mobility and in the recovery of lost movements or functions.

The brain is made up of billions of neurons, which are connected to each other by synapses. Although neurons cannot reproduce themselves, there is something called dendritic regeneration, which occurs when lesions appear in the brain.

Brain injuries can radically change an individual's life by producing drastic consequences, such as motor, sensory, or cognitive deficits. For this reason, the study of neuronal plasticity is so important, as it allows the reconstruction of cells so that the organism can once again perform the tasks that it performed without any problem before the accident.