Definition of



Just as there are cigarette and cigar smokers, others prefer to use pipes.

Pipa is a word that, in the Spanish language, has a large number of meanings and applications. When reviewing its various definitions, the connections of this term with food , plumbing , music and smoking become apparent.

It is common to refer, in the universe of nutrition, to a pumpkin seed, a food consumed in nations such as Honduras , Argentina and Mexico that offers several health benefits. Meanwhile, sunflower seeds or seeds are more popular on an international scale, an allied product of well-being that helps maintain an optimal state of mind and provides energy to the body. It should be noted that there are no excuses or barriers to delight in these tiny delicacies because, if the medical recommendation is to pay attention to the percentage of sodium in each food, then instead of buying salted pipe seeds, ask for them at the dietician's office (or at the trade that offers them) the healthiest version, that is, the one with unsalted pipe seeds .

Nor can we fail to recognize the benefits of the melon seed for being a great source of vitamins. Each of these nutrients can be incorporated into the diet by simply encouraging ourselves, to propose a tempting combination, to add pipe seeds to salads .

pipe smoking

People who choose to smoke a pipe have many varieties available. This utensil, sometimes defined as a hookah, is made using a wide range of materials and is sold in numerous sizes.

In order to prevent the inside of the pipe from being burned, asbestos is applied as a coating, while the tobacco is given a special treatment thanks to which exclusive flavors emerge from this modality chosen by thousands of smokers .

Although it is important to clarify (and always insist) that smoking is bad for everyone's health (it damages the smoker's body but also negatively affects those around him or those who live with him), science admits that, minimally, Tobacco used in pipes is less carcinogenic than tobacco used in cigarettes . Furthermore, the percentage of nicotine inhaled varies as a result of the pace and mode of smoking.

The wooden pipe , to detail an alternative to take into account, is the favorite of those looking for a pleasant experience like that generated by briar, a raw material that is very easy to carve and has a high resistance to high temperatures. For a few years now, both at an industrial level and in the artisan sector, the briar pipe appears among the most manufactured and in demand.

To organize a list based on age or historical relevance, however, it will be necessary to refer first to the particularities of the ceramic pipe . This object, according to archaeological research, dates back to the pre-Hispanic era.

As human beings explored materials and were encouraged to make hookahs of different qualities, among many other models, the clay pipe and, when the knowledge of mineralogy deepened, the meerschaum pipe came to light.


When you think of fictional characters who always carry a pipe near their mouth, Popeye and Sherlock Holmes immediately appear in the collective memory.

Hookahs in art

Throughout history, the presence of hookahs in the art world has been increasing.

The most memorable audience will know that among the most globally recognized characters who have a pipe as an inseparable accessory are Popeye the Sailor and the detective Sherlock Holmes .

On the other hand, numerous museums treasure these types of pieces because, without a doubt, they are cultural symbols that reflect customs and, in a certain way, account for human evolution.

While a pencil drawing called “Man Smoking a Pipe” is exhibited in the Picasso Museum in Barcelona , ​​the Argentine Museum of Fine Arts treasures an archaic carved stone pipe in its collection. The Amsterdam Pipe Museum (Netherlands) , the Museo della Pipa (Italy) and the Museu de la Pipa (Catalonia) are some must-see sites for those who want to take a close look at pipes from different eras, origins, dimensions and materials.

sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are very nutritious and beneficial for health.

Pipes in plumbing and in music

The meaning of this word is so extensive and multidisciplinary that there are even pipes in the fields of plumbing and music .

By searching for precise data within the first of the aforementioned areas, it is possible to determine that, due to their appearances similar to those of smoking pipes , there are pipes and pipes identified with said word. Sometimes it becomes necessary to hire someone at home to repair a water pipe (with or without a filter), for example.

The wind instrument called shawm also has a reed that is made from reed and which, as noted when consulting the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , is called a pipa .