Definition of



Petulance is associated with arrogance.

Petulance is a term that has its origin in the Latin word petulantĭa and refers to the arrogance and conceit of a person. When someone is petulant, they show their boastfulness and boast about some quality they have or say they have.

For example: “The coach once again showed his petulance by assuring that he is the best technical director in the world” , “I accept dialogue and dissent, but I do not tolerate people coming to make petulant statements to me” , “When you are young, you usually to have the petulance of believing oneself all-powerful.”

petulance and respect

Petulance usually reveals a lack of respect for others. Those who are petulant feel superior to the rest of the individuals. Therefore, he not only magnifies his achievements, but also minimizes the successes and virtues of others.

The petulant, on the other hand, is someone who is insecure . Unlike what his image suggests, the person who feels the need to highlight his successes and spread his virtues constantly is seeking the approval of others. Petulance is, in this sense, an attempt to improve self-esteem and protect the ego.


He who has an excessive ego behaves petulantly.

Petulant Individual Behavior

In addition to all of the above, there are many other characteristics that clearly identify a person with high levels of petulance. In this sense, we would have to highlight that the petulant is quickly recognizable by these ways of behaving:

  • In any conversation he uses the pronoun “I” on numerous occasions, which shows his ego.
  • He doesn't listen to others. He doesn't stop to listen to what they say, what they think or what they feel. And the world seems to revolve only around him.
  • Any topic of conversation takes him to his territory, that is, he channels it in such a way that the dialogue begins to refer to him, his life, his experiences...
  • He feels special and can't compare himself to anyone.
  • It is also common for him to be a person who asks a lot from others, but then gives nothing.

Another personality trait that reveals petulance is the lack of predisposition to dialogue and the search for consensus . The petulant places himself in a superior position of authority, which is why he rejects the possibility of an equal exchange with his interlocutor. If a businessman says to his partner: “I graduated with honors in Economics and did successful business all my life: let me explain to you how we have to do things,” he will be acting petulant and preventing the other person from making his contributions.

How to let go of petulance

In order to stop being petulant, psychology experts agree on highlighting a series of tips such as these:

  • You must start behaving as you really are.
  • He has to show affection to the people around him.
  • It is essential that you start treating others as you would like to be treated.
  • In the same way, it is essential that you begin to develop what is known as active listening. That is, when you are with someone you really listen to them and are interested in them.
  • You should stop using the pronoun “I” so many times. Instead, it is recommended that you opt for using “we” more.