Definition of


healthy eating

A dietician helps establish the diet necessary to achieve a healthy weight.

Peso is a word that comes from the Latin term pensum and has different uses. It can refer, for example, to the force with which the Earth attracts a body and the magnitude of said force.

In a similar sense, a weight is a heavy object that allows a load or scale to be balanced . Weight is also used to classify athletes in certain activities (such as flyweight in boxing).

The weight of people

In the society in which we live today, where there is a cult of the body and beauty is always sought, there is constant talk of the need for each person to have an appropriate weight that does not exceed the limits of what is considered "aesthetically beautiful." . For this reason, weight is of great concern to a significant number of people.

However, it must be emphasized that not only for aesthetic reasons should one have an optimal weight but also for health reasons, since having excess kilos means facing all types of diseases and ailments such as, for example, problems circulatory or cardiovascular type.

body mass index

Specifically, to know if someone is within their normal weight, the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculation is carried out. This measurement takes into account both the weight itself and the height of the person in question and is achieved by dividing the number of kilos by the square of the height, in meters.

In this way, the result will be analyzed based on these criteria: if the result is between 18.5 and 24.9 , the individual is at a healthy weight; If you are between 25 and 29.9 you are overweight; If the measurement obtained is between 30 and 39.9, it is established that the person is obese ; and finally, if it exceeds that last figure, it will suffer from morbid obesity. This last type of obesity causes the subject to not only suffer social exclusion in many cases, but also even handicap.


People who are overweight have a high level of body fat.

The importance of healthy weight

Healthy weight is of great importance. Ideally, a nutritionist or dietitian will suggest the appropriate diet to maintain adequate body weight.

Anyway, everyone can pay attention to nutrition and choose healthy food to take care of their body. The key when it comes to nutrition is to control the proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc., that are consumed.

When weight loss is necessary, it is advisable to exercise periodically or go to a gym and use the treadmill, for example. If the need is to achieve weight gain, meanwhile, foods with a high amount of calories should be eaten.

We cannot fail to mention that there are eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia that make it impossible to maintain the ideal weight. In these cases, an expert in psychology or psychiatry should indicate the steps to follow.

It is essential to keep in mind that diet and body weight have a direct impact on health and well-being. Anyone who eats junk food daily is very likely to be overweight and this has an impact on different levels, such as a greater risk of suffering from heart problems or circulatory disorders. On the other hand, those who maintain a balanced diet will probably experience fewer health problems and feel better in general.

Differences with dough

It is important to distinguish between weight and mass , which is the amount of matter in a body . This means that the mass does not depend on the force of gravity or the position of the body in space.

The kilogram is the unit of mass in the international system of units. Weight, on the other hand, is measured in newtons .


The currency of Chile is the Chilean peso.

Other uses of the notion of weight

The concept of weight can take on a moral or abstract meaning . Weight is said to the entity and importance of something, to the strength of non-material things, to the responsibility that someone has in their care, and to pain or concern about something: "Your words have no weight for me," " "I have the weight of saving the family," "María still couldn't shake the weight of her boyfriend's death."

On the other hand, the peso is the monetary unit of several American countries. Although they have the same name, each currency has its own value. The Argentine peso does not have the same value as the Uruguayan peso , and it is not worth the same as the Mexican or Chilean peso.

These currencies can face different problems. If we focus on the Argentine peso, the almost constant devaluation associated with the exchange rate with the US dollar that it has registered in recent years contributes to inflation , with which the purchasing power of the population of Argentina is increasingly lower: the peso It depreciates and is enough to buy fewer products compared to previous weeks or months.