Definition of


Fishing rod

Fishing consists of removing fish and other animals from the water.

Establishing the etymological origin of the term fishing leads us to have to go to Latin. This language is where the word in question comes from, and more specifically from the word pisces , which can be translated as "fish."

Fishing is the action and effect of fishing ( removing fish and other animals from the water ). The concept is also used to name the profession of fishing and what is caught or has been caught . For example: “I'm going to read a fishing book to learn all the secrets of the practice,” “Raúl's favorite hobby is fishing,” “Fishing in this river is very abundant,” “I recommend eating the catch from the day: grilled trout, accompanied with natural potatoes .

Types of fishing

Fishing is one of the oldest activities that man has developed to obtain food. Even today, whether at an industrial or artisanal level, fishing is one of the main economic activities in the world.

Industrial fishing is that which is carried out with the aim of obtaining a large number of catches. It is carried out through large vessels and requires appropriate port infrastructure to land and distribute the fish.

Artisanal fishing uses traditional techniques, without technological development. It is usually intended for self-consumption, although a small part of the catch may be used for marketing.


Fishing can be developed in different ways and with different resources.

Multiple modalities

In addition to these types of fishing, we would have to establish the existence of another wide variety of modalities of this activity that, in some cases, has been configured as a means of survival and professional exercise and in others as a simple method of entertainment.

Specifically, we could also talk about what is called trawling . This, as its name indicates, is one that consists of dragging nets to obtain the greatest possible number of prey.

In the same way, there is the so-called deep-sea fishing . In its case, under this name is the fishing that is carried out in waters that are located very close to what would be the coastline. There are also inshore fishing, carried out by small boats near the coast, and high altitude fishing. The latter is the one that develops in waters that are very far from what would be the aforementioned coastline.

Another type of fishing is known as coastal fishing , which is carried out approximately 60 miles from the aforementioned coastline. In its case, it is carried out by a series of boats that have medium-sized dimensions.

Underwater hunting vs. sport fishing

Spearfishing is similar to hunting, since the fisherman must chase the prey until he catches it. Other fishing techniques , on the other hand, usually work through deception.

Sport fishing , on the other hand, is carried out for leisure or competition. It is common that, in this case, the captured specimens are returned to the water without the fish suffering any damage.