Passover is called a holiday of the Jewish community that allows the commemoration of the exodus from Egypt : that is, when the Hebrews were freed by Moses , abandoning Egyptian territory and the conditions of slavery to head towards the Promised Land .
These events appear detailed in the Book of Exodus , which is part of the Pentateuch . Through Pesach, also mentioned as the Jewish Passover , that deed is remembered.
Passover extends for seven days (or eight in the diaspora ) and begins on the 14th of Nisan , which is the first month that appears in the biblical Hebrew calendar and usually coincides with April in the Gregorian calendar. On the first night of the celebration (on the first two nights, in the case of the diaspora), the Passover Seder is held, a ritual that includes the consumption of six specific foods and the drinking of four glasses of wine, between other issues.
During the Seder the story of the exodus is transmitted to new generations. In addition, the associated symbolisms are explained to them and the values of faith are shared.
That is why for Jews, Passover is a holiday linked to education that aims to help the little ones learn about their religion. In addition to celebrating freedom, it renews the ethical commitment to fight for the dignity of others.
It is interesting to mention that one of the Passover traditions is to eat unleavened bread , which is related to the hasty departure of the Jews from Egypt , without there being time for the bread to rise. On the other hand, foods that come from fermented cereals are prohibited at this time.
Other interesting information about the aforementioned Passover festival are the following:
-It also responds to the name of the Spring Festival. And it precisely coincides with the arrival of the spring season in the northern hemisphere.
-The term Pesach can be literally translated as "leap" and its meaning is "passage of freedom for the people of Israel."
-In the Pesach Seder, in addition to what has already been mentioned, the ablution of hands, which responds to the name of Urjatz, takes center stage.
-Among the foods eaten at the aforementioned dinner include beitza, which is a hard-boiled egg; zeroa, which is roast lamb, and karpas, which is celery. Not forgetting the maror, which are bitter herbs; charoset, which is made with apple, honey or dates; and chazeret, which is lettuce. Precisely the aforementioned charoset we have to establish that it comes to symbolize what is the mortar and clay that were used to shape the first homes and buildings during captivity.
-Some of the most common recipes that are eaten in many homes during the Passover holiday are red pepper soup, cinnamon and sweet potato kugel, chicken with olives, onion quiche, parve ice cream or roasted cauliflower with raisins and almonds.
-During the Passover Seder, the reading of the Haggadah takes place, which is the story that proceeds to explain what the liberation of the Hebrews is.