Definition of


Educational field

The relevance of education is linked to its usefulness and validity in a given context.

In the Latin That is where the etymological origin of the term that we are now going to analyze is found. Specifically, we have to explain that it emanates from the word pertinentia , which is composed of two clearly differentiated parts: the prefix per -, which can be translated as "completely", and the verb tenere , which is synonymous with "to sustain."

Relevance is the quality of pertinent . It is an adjective that refers to what belongs to or corresponds to something or to that which is intended . For example: “I think it is a comment without any relevance that only adds more concern” , “I don't want to hear things without relevance” , “Gómez's proposal demonstrated its relevance by solving one of the company's main problems” .

Relevance in education

There are different approaches to the notion of relevance. The relevance of education is linked to the place that training occupies in society . Given that basic education is considered a human right, the debate revolves around the relevance of higher education in a social context: what knowledge to disseminate, for what purpose, how to modify reality through training, etc.

In this sense, we can say that when we talk about the relevance of education we are referring to the fact that it is necessary, essential and fundamental that it is in accordance with a series of factors of great relevance for the entire society in general. Specifically, to the following:

• To the Constitution of the country and also to the rest of the existing laws and legal regulations.

• To coherence and convenience with respect to the set of social norms that exist as well as the needs that exist in that sense.

• You must also take into account the economic, political and sustainable conditions of the nation.

• No less relevant regarding the relevance of education is that it must also take into account the fact that we currently live in a globalized world, with specific needs, in materials such as technology, ICT or culture.

• Likewise, experts in educational matters emphasize that it is essential that this field is fully in line with the need that exists to live in a place where values ​​such as peace, tolerance or even democracy prevail.


Relevance has to do with adaptation to the environment.

Adaptation to the context

In a similar sense, the relevance of a research is related to the social space where the acquired knowledge or the results of a research work will be integrated.

Relevance, therefore, is the adequacy or meaning of something in a certain context . This can be understood from simple, everyday examples: bringing a gift to a person's birthday while singing a song in their honor is relevant, although this relevance would be nullified if the subject's birthday coincides with the death of a family member. It would not be pertinent, therefore, to enter a wake singing and with gifts to greet someone, since said context does not merit such behavior, even when there is a birthday and a tradition of greeting the birthday person.