Definition of



When a person moves, they move their belongings.

Belonging (from Latin pertinentĭa ) is the relationship of a thing with the person who has the right to it. The term is usually used to name the thing that is owned by a specific person (that is, that has an owner ).

For example: “I have to move my belongings to the new house” , “A man was detained at the airport while fleeing with a woman's belongings” , “Does that car belong to you?” “I must inform you that you are parked in a prohibited place.”

Accessory things or things that depend on another main thing, entering the property with it, are called dependencies: "Yesterday I finalized the purchase of the house with all its belongings" , "My father wants to sell the company with its belongings" .

Integration into a set

Belonging is also the fact or circumstance of being part of a group , be it a group, a community, an organization, an institution, etc.: “The criminal's membership in the gang that murdered the Mexican businessman was proven by the court. ” , “The club has said that the player's membership in the professional squad is in doubt due to the problems of indiscipline” , “I must confess that I am ashamed of my membership in a group of these characteristics” .

Among the organizations and associations to which individuals can belong are, for example, political parties. In order to be part of them, it is necessary to meet a series of requirements, without which it is not possible to join them.

Sense of belonging

The group in which a person finds support and identifies with other individuals is called a group of membership.

Membership group

In some countries, the concept of belonging group refers to the social group of which a person is a part by sharing values, beliefs, tastes or behaviors.

The feeling of belonging to these groups allows the individual to feel accompanied by peers and helps develop their identity , since they are recognized and presented to the rest of society as part of a group.

The concept in mathematics

Within the mathematical field we can also say that the use of the word that concerns us now is carried out. Specifically, there is the concept of a belonging relationship that is used when carrying out work with the aforementioned groups.

The American logician George Boolos has been one of the scholars who has worked the most with that term as well as with what is called inclusion.

Crime of belonging to an armed gang

In this sense, we must highlight the existence of a crime that revolves precisely around belonging to a specific group. We are referring to the crime of belonging to an armed gang, which is classified as such in the Penal Code of countries such as Spain.

We could say that it establishes that all those people who are part of groups that are armed and whose objectives include proceeding to alter the peace and stability of the country will be punished with the relevant economic sanctions and imprisonment. . Specifically, this crime can lead to the guilty individual even having to face prison sentences of up to twenty years.