Definition of



According to the law, a loss is a loss that must be compensated by the person who causes it.

The Latin term praeiudicium became, in our language , a detriment . This concept refers to the consequences of harming , an action that consists of causing detriment to someone or something.

A loss, therefore, is what a person or entity suffers when they are the victim of harm . For example: “María's dismissal caused me harm: now I have twice as much work, but I continue to earn the same as before,” “The oil company has caused great harm to the neighbors who live on the banks of the river and who must endure the pollution” , “Businessmen in the sector maintain that the government's economic measures cause them serious harm” .

The damages can be material or symbolic . If a drunk driver crashes his vehicle into the front of a house, he will have caused material damage: repairing the damage suffered by the building requires the expenditure of money . On the other hand, if a journalist defames a colleague by saying that he is a liar and lacks ethics, he will have caused symbolic damage.

Damage according to law

In the field of law , damage is understood as a loss that requires compensation from the person who generates it. This means that the person who causes the damage must pay (compensate) the victim. By extension, the compensation itself is known as damage.

From the perspective of law, the damage is classified according to whether it was caused negligently (due to negligence , but without intention) or maliciously (with the intention of committing the damage).


Coffee is an infusion that can cause different harm to the consumer.

Damage caused by coffee

Few food products are as popular as coffee. It is an essential component in many social areas and its effects are often highlighted when it comes to needing that extra boost of energy to complete work or student obligations. But, like all good things, coffee has disadvantages; Let's look at some of the damages it causes:

* decalcifies the bone system : given its composition, coffee collaborates with the decalcification of bones. Women should pay special attention to this detail when they enter menopause , since in this cycle of their lives they stop producing normal amounts of calcium in their bones and excessive coffee consumption can lead to osteoporosis;

* alteration of the nervous system : millions of people with stressful lives do not let many hours pass between one coffee and another, thinking that this wonderful drink will give them the strength they need to face their obligations . On the contrary, a clear detriment of coffee is its ability to alter them even more, sometimes reaching clinically worrying limits;

* causes or worsens ulcers : one of the first recommendations of doctors to their patients with gastritis or ulcers is to stop drinking coffee, especially on an empty stomach or without accompanying it with some solid food, since the damage in these cases is even worse;

* increases the heart rate : anxiety usually leads to the consumption of coffee and, although it is not a poison, this drink is not recommended in a situation of this type, since it produces an acceleration of the heart rate that can end in various disorders, including a panic attack;

* increases the chances of abortion : this is the greatest harm of coffee of those mentioned so far. During pregnancy, it is recommended not to drink coffee at all, as it undermines the proper development of the baby and makes abortion more likely. It should be noted that the real threat is caffeine, which is why the consumption of tea and certain soft drinks should be moderated, since it should not exceed 200 mg of this substance per day.