Definition of


KickThe verb kick refers to hitting something or someone with your legs or feet or, in the case of animals, with your paws . It is an action that can be carried out in different ways and for various reasons.

In the field of soccer , you can kick the ball to give a pass to a teammate, to ward off danger from your own goal or to try to score a goal. A player may also kick an opponent , either involuntarily or intentionally to commit a foul and force the interruption of play. For example: "The Swiss striker surprised the goalkeeper by kicking from outside the area" , "Don't let him kick! "We have to maintain the result," "When kicking an opponent who was about to score, the defender was sent off by the referee."

In several contact sports , kicking is a form of attack that is allowed. That is the case of mixed martial arts or MMA and taekwondo , to mention two disciplines. In boxing, on the other hand, it is not possible to kick your opponent as it constitutes a violation of the regulations.

This particularity also extends to street or informal fights, especially between two men: in a spontaneous fight that leads to physical violence , punching, pushing, holding and other techniques are expected, but never kicking. Kicking a person in the middle of an encounter of this type is literally and symbolically "a low blow", something that the other does not expect and that speaks very badly of the person who executes it.

On the other hand, outside of issues related to honor and respect for the unspoken rules of society, kicking is an action that requires a greater degree of physical skill and balance , which is why it is also understandable that most people They prefer punches. In a fight where kicks are accepted as part of the repertoire, the fighters are likely to have good physical condition and agility that allows them to carry out aerial attacks, that is, not constantly restricted to having both feet planted on the ground.

The verb kick is also used in an area that has no relation to violence: pregnancy . Throughout the growth of the baby in the womb it makes certain movements that its mother recognizes as "kicks." This is a very exciting experience for her and her loved ones, who normally bring their hands closer to feel the kicks.

KickThese movements performed by the fetus are intended to exercise its muscles and develop its bones and joints appropriately. They generally appear from the sixteenth week onwards and become more intense around the twentieth week. Their strength can exceed 4 and a half kilograms, which is why they are not inconsiderable.

Although science has not yet been able to prove whether the fetus has an active sense of hearing, we all like to think that we can communicate from the first days. That is why pregnant women often talk and sing to their babies with the conviction that they are stimulating their intelligence.

Depending on the region , kicking has other uses. In some areas the term is used colloquially to refer to walking a lot : "I had to walk for two hours until I found an open bar" , "I'm tired of walking, let's sit for a while" .

When a food causes discomfort in the digestive system , finally, it is said that it kicks: "I know that eggplants are going to kick my stomach, but I can't resist eating them," "I warned you that so many fried foods were going to kick your liver." …»