Definition of

chest pass


The chest pass is common in basketball.

Of the various meanings of the notion of pass , on this occasion we are interested in two of them: those that appear in the field of sport and bullfighting .

The term pass must be stated that it has its etymological origin in Latin. Exactly it derives from the Latin verb passare , which means “to take steps.”

Chest refers to the upper part of the human body and is a word that comes from the Latin pectus, pectoris . And it can be used as a synonym for “chest” and also for “breast.”

In sports, the action that consists of handing the ball to a teammate is called a pass. In the context of bullfighting, meanwhile, the pass is the movement that the bullfighter makes when, after calling the animal with the muleta, he makes it pass without trying to stab it with the rapier.

Chest pass concept

From these ideas, we can define the concept of chest pass . In basketball , the chest pass is performed by extending the arms from the middle height of the trunk , throwing the ball towards another member of the team.

The chest pass is usually used over short and medium distances. The player extends his arms quickly, following the momentum with his wrists and fingers. The ball , in this frame, is thrown with both hands.

The term in other sports

In handball or handball the chest pass is also used. The mechanism is similar to that used in basketball.

In the field of football it is very common for players to choose to use the aforementioned chest pass. It is often used to be able to correctly accommodate the ball, after receiving it, and then later be able to finish it at goal within the area.

The perfect way to do this is by leaning your body back slightly while keeping your arms straight and parallel. In this way, what will be achieved is that the ball “falls asleep” and its control is very easy. Many players who have resorted to this aforementioned chest pass are forwards like Leo Messi , Dembelé , Cristiano Ronaldo ...


The idea of ​​chest pass is also used in bullfighting.

Chest pass in bullfighting

As for bullfighting, the chest pass is usually used to close a round of natural passes . The bullfighter, holding the muleta with one of his hands, stands with his back to the bull , which passes under the deception.

If the chest pass is performed accurately, the animal passes completely and raises its head when the lunge ends. After the chest pass, you can start another series of natural passes or prepare the lunge.

Sometimes the chest pass becomes a switch pass. This occurs when the left piton of the bull is the one that passes closest to the body of the right-handed one.

Although there are bullfighters who carry out several chest passes in a row, the usual thing is that after one of them, the matador moves away from the animal. In this way, you not only ensure that he rests and recovers from the effort but also that the audience bursts into applause for the task he has just completed.