Definition of


ChatterboxThe adjective parlanchín derives from parlar , a verb that refers to speaking . It is a colloquial term used to describe the individual who talks non-stop, even when he should not .

Someone who is talkative can express what, in reality, should remain silent. Also, due to its loquacity, it can be expressed through words when common sense or the context suggests maintaining silence .

For example, at a solemn event those present are expected to remain silent and pay attention . Something similar happens with a wake or a funeral, where the floor usually goes to someone formally chosen to lead the meeting. In cases like these or similar, someone who suddenly begins to speak without containment or apparent context can generate very negative reactions from those around them.

The chatterbox, in the broadest sense of the expression, is a talkative person. These are generally sociable individuals who enjoy talking or who have no problems sharing their emotions and thoughts .

Those who are shy, on the other hand, are not talkative, but quite the opposite. That is why withdrawn women are not talkative and withdrawn men are not talkative: they prefer not to start conversations and, sometimes, they even choose not to answer or respond briefly.

In the previous paragraph you can see that the plural of this term is written differently depending on the gender of the subject : women can be chatty , but men can be chatty . The same thing happens with the singular ( parlanchina and parlanchín ).

In certain areas, chatterboxes are poorly regarded. At the educational level, teachers try to ensure that students do not speak in class unless they are given the floor, since they make it difficult to transmit knowledge and understand the content. Talkative people, in this framework, are warned or punished .

Generally, school is the first space in which we face the company of people outside our own family, and this can be relatively difficult for us, since the rules are not the same as in our home. Choosing the right moment to make a comment is one of the first things we must learn, as well as refraining from using other people's belongings without their permission, leaving class before the lesson is over, or talking to elders as if they were our own. peers.

ChatterboxWhether we like the rules imposed at school or not, society promises us opportunities if we follow them, and punishments if we ignore them. Furthermore, this structure prepares us for the future, for the business world that many enter once they reach adulthood. A child who is never taught to be silent when his teachers speak can become a talkative adult, and will surely have problems with his bosses, in addition to putting his co-workers in uncomfortable situations.

Of course, all this corresponds to the negative consequences that can arise from being a talker who does not adapt to his social environment with respect. There are many people who talk a lot but know how to keep quiet when the situation warrants it, and then their verbosity is considered a nice trait.

The notion of chatterbox, on the other hand, is applied with reference to animals or inanimate beings that speak . Parrots that imitate human speech are known as talking parrots , while in cartoons it is common to find expressions such as talking mouse , talking dog , etc.

The “Talking Magpies” , finally, are animated characters created by Paul Terry . These birds are characterized by making fun of others and committing all kinds of pranks.