Definition of



Two people united by a sentimental bond of the romantic type form a couple.

A couple is a group of people, animals or things that maintain some type of relationship or similarity with each other . The term is also used to name each of the members of a couple in relation to the other; This can be seen, for example, when someone talks about their boyfriend or fiancé, referring to him as "my partner", and the same can happen when talking about other species or even objects (for example, when they are manufactured in pairs).

The term is usually associated with the romantic relationship that exists between two people . A courtship or marriage supposes the existence of a couple. Deep-rooted denial in many nations leads people to believe that heterosexual couples are more common than homosexual couples , although that statement is invalid unless contrasted with the results of a census of all romantic unions in a given region. .

In any case, little by little the world opens its eyes and begins to leave its prejudices behind, as demonstrated by the measures in favor of sexual diversity taken by the governments of different countries. We are still far away, as a species, from living and letting live in peace, from not attacking those who think or act differently from us, but the small changes that have taken place in recent years show that perseverance is really the key to success. success.

The couple bond

It should be noted that the couple refers to the loving bond and not to the legal status of the relationship: there are circumstantial couples, others who maintain a courtship, some reach marriage , etc. The social evolution that has been seen in the world in recent decades has especially impacted sentimental ties; In part, this may be due to the greater number of opportunities that we enjoy today compared to three or four generations ago, both professionally and intellectually and culturally, since they require more free time to be taken advantage of.

Are we perhaps more selfish than our great-grandparents? This question only makes sense if we consider that seeking satisfaction through personal enrichment instead of dedicating ourselves body and soul to the maintenance of a family is synonymous with selfishness. Human beings are social, we enjoy cultural exchange, closeness with other individuals of our species; But this union must be spontaneous and voluntary , so that it does not turn against us.


Couples can be homosexual (when they are made up of people of the same sex) or heterosexual (made up of a man and a woman).

Other life options

There have always been people who challenged the mandates of society and sought their own path, ignoring preconceptions and impositions , with marriage and reproduction being two of the most strongly rooted in most cultures worldwide. Currently we enjoy unprecedented access to information, at a speed that borders on immediacy, and this can represent a great help for many of those who have not yet decided to take the first step towards their freedom.

In some countries, life as a couple is an obligation , the assured destiny of its inhabitants. It is likely that many of these people will never stop to consider other possibilities, and this is where the evolution of the media can be very useful, as long as the truth is not intercepted by the hands of censorship.

Dancing couple and the term as an adjective

When two people dance together, whether in competition or for mere pleasure, they are called dance couples .

As an adjective, on the other hand, the term even (or even) refers to something equal or similar , or to something that is smooth and flat : “I am going to smooth the wall so that it is even,” “I need the glasses to be even; “It is a gala dinner.”