Definition of


Paragliding is a concept from the French language and formed as an acronym of parachute (which translates as “parachute” ) and pente (translatable as “slope” ). This is the name given to the sporting activity that involves the development of a controlled descent after being dragged with a boat or jumping from a slope with an already deployed, rectangular-shaped parachute.

ParaglidingParagliding is called both the sport and the special type of parachute used in this discipline. The origins of this practice date back to the end of the 20th century , when mountaineers began to descend from the summits of the elevations by jumping with a parachute.

The device known as a paraglider is a flexible parachute that functions as a glider . Due to its characteristics, the user can take off, glide (fly) and finally land on foot.

To paraglide, the subject can launch from a slope . Another possibility is that it is towed by a boat, taking off from a water surface.

Paragliding flight is made possible by the existence of thermal currents and dynamic currents . Thermal currents arise when the air that is in contact with a surface heated by the sun expands and becomes lighter than the rest of the surrounding air. Thus it moves vertically, ascending. Dynamic currents, meanwhile, are linked to the wind that blows in an upward direction.

In order to carry out a paragliding flight there are fundamentally two essential elements to take into account:

-On the one hand, that all the necessary equipment is available. And not only that but also that it is perfectly reviewed and in the best condition.

-On the other hand, there must be an adequate weather situation in order to reduce the risks to the maximum.

In addition to everything stated above, it is necessary to know that there are different types of paragliding. However, among the most important or most frequent we can highlight the following:

-Acrobatic flight. In this modality what happens is that the person who practices this sport performs all kinds of acrobatic maneuvers, worth the redundancy, that are truly surprising. We are referring to spins, what is known as infinity tumbling and also wingovers, for example.

-Free Style, which consists of the perfect mix between slope flight, acrobatic maneuvers and also free flight.

-Cross country, which is one of the most practiced modalities and is based on the use of thermal calls. Specifically, this will allow you to ascend, for example, like eagles do.

-Speed ​​Flying, which involves flying very quickly and close to the relief thanks to the use of large paragliders.

Paragliding is usually considered a tourist activity in several destinations since it is ideal for appreciating the landscapes . In these cases, it is common for the individual to take an introductory class and fly accompanied by an instructor.

There are many places in the world where paragliding is recommended both because of the beauty of the landscapes and because there are adequate weather conditions and wind currents. However, in Spain there are two very famous ones. We are referring to Sopelana beach and San Juan de Gaztelugatxe.