Definition of

International organization


An international organization is made up of different countries.

To clearly define the concept of an international organization, it is convenient that we first explain the meaning of each of the words that make up this concept.

Among the various meanings of the notion of organism , the one that associates the term with organizations , entities or institutions of different types stands out. An organization, in this sense, can be made up of various areas, sectors or offices.

International , for its part, is the adjective used to name what is linked to a multiplicity of countries or what refers to a nation that is different from one's own.

What is an international organization

Now, with these two definitions we can understand that an international organization is an entity whose members or objectives do not belong to a single country. Typically, the members of this type of organization are different national states , which work together to coordinate certain policies or to join forces with a common goal.

The characteristics of each international organization can be very different. They generally arise from agreements , conventions or treaties between different countries, which create an organization framed within international public law . The usual thing is that its legal powers are different from the individual powers of its members.

United Nations

The UN is an international organization.

Most important features

We could cite, however, four essential characteristics that these organisms must meet.

1- Be composed only of States with Sovereignty , which is known as interstate composition.

2- Have an agreement that is supported by a legal basis .

3- Have sufficient independence from the States that have signed the agreement to be able to ensure the responsible management of the interests of the communities involved. They generally have a plenary assembly that makes decisions independently of the interests of the countries that are part of the organization.

4- Have legal autonomy that prevents States from making decisions in their favor that may harm collective interests. This means that organisms have the capacity to manifest an autonomous will.

Types of international organizations

It is possible to group international organizations according to different issues. There are international consultative organizations , which are in a position to suggest measures to members but not impose them, and others with full powers (with decisions of mandatory compliance). There are also permanent international organizations and others created for certain particular periods of time.

The United Nations Organization ( UN ), the Southern Common Market ( Mercosur ) and the European Union ( EU ) are some of the most important international organizations in the world.

Emergence and functions

The idea of ​​creating international organizations arose as a way of trying to ensure harmonious coexistence between the different countries into which the planet is divided. Many of the problems that States have cannot be resolved within their border, therefore, having external entities (made up of equal parts of the countries between which the agreement has been made) that intercede to advocate for peace and security of the world .

International organizations interfere, for example, in matters that are linked to international trade, telecommunications or humanitarian actions. Likewise, to ensure the proper functioning of these organizations, institutions linked to them are created that allow structuring the actions of international relations.

Depending on the rules established at the creation (its admission rules) of each organization, States can participate freely. As defined by the author Manuel de Velazco, it could be said that international organizations are voluntary associations created through agreements between different states in order to manage certain collective interests.