Definition of



Opposition can be related to antagonism.

Opposition is the action and effect of opposing or opposing (proposing a reason against what another person says, putting something against something else to prevent its effect, placing something in front of something else, contradicting a design).

The concept of opposition is very common in the field of politics . The opposition is known as the parties, legislative bodies or deliberative bodies that usually challenge the actions of the government . The opposition, therefore, is the sector adverse to the established or dominant power .

For example: “The opposition has vetoed the official proposal on retirements in Congress,” “The government has disqualified the opposition by ensuring that, throughout the year, it has not presented a coherent project,” “The president asked for support for the opposition to face the economic crisis.”

The opposition as a personnel selection process

To all this we would also have to add that the term in question is used to name the personnel selection process that is carried out within public administrations, for example, in Spain . Specifically, it consists of an exam where job candidates must correctly answer as many questions as possible, usually multiple choice, about the lessons that make up the established syllabus.

However, although this test is the one that is usually carried out, we must not forget that, on other occasions, it also includes everything from performing psychotechnical exercises to practical cases or even activities to demonstrate language knowledge.

United Kingdom, France y USA son otros de los países que también llevan a cabo este tipo de oposición para encontrar a los perfectos trabajadores para sus correspondientes administraciones. No obstante, hay que tener en cuenta que, en muchas ocasiones, el proceso consiste en lo que se da en llamar concurso-oposición. Esto lo que significa es que habrá una parte de examen con la que se tendrá una puntuación y que se sumará a la obtenida en base a su titulación, a la experiencia o a los cursos que se hayan realizado.

Teachers, judges, guards or administrative assistants are some of the positions that can be filled within the public sphere through this system that, although it maintains common bases, then has special characteristics depending on the place where the corresponding opposition is going to be held. .


Opposition can arise from a difference in positions or visions.

Antagonism, rejection and resistance

Opposition is also the antagonism or contradiction between two things . This antagonism arises due to very different or contrary characteristics in the things in opposition. In this way, we can talk about the opposition between day and night , the city and the countryside , noise and silence , etc.

Another use of the term is linked to rejection or resistance to what a person says or does: “The attendees did not take long to express their opposition to the singer's statements,” “The governor invited the public to stand up to receive the guest.” , although the opposition to said proposal was evident."

The arrangement of certain things appearing in front of each other can also be known as opposition.