Definition of



Options are possibilities that can be taken into account.

Option , from the Latin optio , is the power or freedom to choose . For example: “I have no choice, I must leave the house and look for a new home,” “Fortunately I have several options and I am not in a hurry to make the decision,” “One option would be to apply for a loan and travel this month.”

The term option is used both to refer to the power to choose and to the choice itself and to each of the possibilities that are taken into account : “Among everything you propose to me, I will choose the first option; I think it is the most convenient” , “They told me that I have the option to extend the warranty through a small payment, right?” .

An option is also the right to choose between two or more things, based on a legal precept or legal transaction. For economics , on the other hand, the option is the right to sell or buy something within the time and price that was previously agreed upon.

Financial option

The contract that grants the right (and not the obligation) to buy or sell goods and securities at a predetermined price until a certain date is known as a financial option .

There are different types of financial options. The two most notable are:

* the call option : obliges the seller to get rid of the asset in the event that the buyer makes use of his right to purchase ;

* The put option : obliges the buyer to take possession of the asset if the seller decides to exercise his right to sell .

On the other hand, the American, European, Bermuda, barrier and digital options can be mentioned.


Analyzing the different options is important before making a decision.

Its use in exams

Multiple choice exams are widely used by academic institutions of various levels, from primary schools to universities, probably because of the great ease they offer teachers when correcting them. Basically, they consist of a series of questions that include two or more possible answers, which students must study carefully to choose the correct one.

In general, especially in the school environment, students tend to prefer this type of evaluation over open questions, since luck can be of great help to them when it comes to topics that they have not studied responsibly. However, many ignore that if they rely entirely on chance, it can turn against them and generate a total of incorrect answers.

Options analysis

These types of exams speak a lot about the attitude of human beings towards a series of options, and the panorama is not exactly something we could feel proud of. Why do we choose escalators over traditional ones, or a movie over the original book, or store-bought food over taking the time to prepare it with our own hands?

We are, without a doubt, a very particular species, the only one capable of attacking itself, of judging others and placing them below on an intellectual level, of exploiting the planet's resources without measure and of reproducing without limits or consideration for the environment, among other harmful characteristics that only foolishness can deny.

When we are presented with several options, there are many factors to analyze before making a decision, and it is through the study of these factors that our attitudes can be understood. Returning to the example of exams with multiple answers, if a person decides not to study after knowing that the evaluation will be of this type, they will surely weigh the consequences (both negative and positive) of each path ; It is as interesting as it is alarming, therefore, that knowing less and risking failing seems more tempting than expanding your knowledge and ensuring a better academic future.