Definition of



An omission in a statement implies not disclosing, voluntarily or not, certain information.

An omission is a refusal to do or express something . The term comes from the Latin word omissio .

A person who omits to tell something keeps information to himself that he does not want to share . Similarly, a subject who fails to perform a certain action has decided not to do something that, for some reason, he or she should have done.

For example: “The defendant's statement had several omissions: he did not say that he had a relationship with the victim nor did he explain why he had made phone calls to her home,” “My boss asked me to punish those who had arrived late but, taking into account Considering the transportation problems, I preferred to omit the order."

Omission as a failure or mistake

Omission can be a failure that occurs when someone does not do what is considered appropriate when executing an action .

It could also be the mistake of a person who has responsibility for a certain matter: “The omission of the security person was very serious and put the entire company at risk,” “The installation was quick since the employee omitted several steps of the security protocol” .

A kind of operant conditioning

Psychology refers to omission training to refer to a kind of operant conditioning . This practice is based on the fact that, given the specific response that a subject provides, the lack of a positive stimulus is induced as a result. This means that the person's behavior produces an omission of the reward.

A common omission training is one that prohibits teenagers from going out dancing with their friends when they fail an exam. Parents, in this way, omit positive encouragement to their children due to the lack of responsibility in studying (the opposite of what a reward would be).


An omission may be an error or mistake.

Omission of the duty of relief

Witnessing a situation in which a person is helpless and in clear danger and not helping them, even when doing so does not mean any risk to oneself or third parties, represents a crime . The corresponding penalty can vary, ranging from a fine to imprisonment, which can last between six months and four years; For example, if the injured party suffers an accident caused by someone who later denies him help, the sentence will be one of the most severe.

This crime is particular among the long list contemplated by the different Penal Codes , since it is a case in which a person is judged for something they do not do . This leads us to wonder how it is possible that it is necessary to take precedence over a lack of compassion, over an omission that can knowingly make another living being suffer. That it had not been foreseen that a person would not help another despite being able to do so would be a serious omission.

Unfortunately, this happens very often in large cities, where the feeling of insecurity has been growing in recent decades, turning its inhabitants into stressed and distrustful beings, capable of denying an indication or the time, for fear of being robbed.

Human beings are probably the only species that manages to feel like a stranger among their peers . Like animals, we establish hierarchies, only we do it to abuse others, to waste our power . We act negligently, without thinking about the future. We are cruel to animals, using them for fun, locking them in cages, using them to experiment with diseases and potential cures, throwing away countless lives, and that does not seem to torment us. We make fun of very tall people, very short people, obese people, and very skinny people; We talk about ugly, stupid and we even have fun with violent movies and video games.